Chp. 28

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The moment I had left Megan’s classroom yesterday I had instantly regretted it. I knew I should’ve stayed and apologized, and I mean really apologized. I should’ve made her listen to me but I didn’t, I just ran away like a coward because she told me to.

I was annoyed, confused, and upset over the fact that she was always mad at me. Our love-hate relationship was turning into mostly hate now and I was actually sad about it. It saddened me to think that she was growing tired of me when half the time I had no idea why she was even mad at me in the first place.

And on top of all that, I had detention with her after class again today.

She hadn’t said one word to me yesterday during practice or at home, and it had been the same today in class. She hadn’t called on me to pick on me, she hadn’t even acknowledged me.

It was driving me crazy.

I mean really, what the hell did I do? Did I burn her coffee this morning? Did I do or say something to piss her off? Or was it something I wasn’t doing?

Then suddenly I heard the bell ring, dismissing the class, everyone except me of course. I rolled my eyes at the thought of having to stay, which I had actually thought about leaving but she would flip shit if I did.

So I stayed my not-so-happy ass in my seat.

I heard the familiar clank of her heels against the floor as she walked over to her door, but I refused to let my eyes look at her. I could hear her grab the door and shut it, then to my surprise she walked back to her desk without even acknowledging me.


I rolled my eyes, sitting in my desk as I felt the rage plummet through my body causing my skin to heat up. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine why on earth I was here feeling like a piece of shit when I did absolutely nothing.

Why was she doing this to me?

I continued to sit in silence, feeling the tension threaten to overtake me. I wanted to look back at her but in the same instance I didn’t. I didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of her knowing I was going insane.

But I could feel her eyes on my back.

I tapped my foot, wondering what exactly I should do. Should I apologize for nothing? Should I ask her what I did so wrong? Should I shout at her to just fucking talk to me because her ignoring me was literally driving me insane?

No that was too much.

I was slowly crumbling under her stare and the pressure I felt against my heart, all feelings I didn’t quite understand. I was unraveling slowly, and soon my composure would dissolve.

I stood then, not being able to tolerate it anymore as I walked over to her desk and threw my hands onto it. I didn’t know what to say, all I could do was look at her and wonder why she made me so crazy. Why the absence of her voice made me insane.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now