The Wedding - *BONUS*

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Before we get started, just wanted to thank all of the readers who took their time to stop by in my inbox and let me know how much they love AMA. It truly means a lot to me to hear that. The dedication it takes to write a successful story is hard enough, but the encouragement you guys have me was phenomenal. So thank you loves <3

Also, since this is a wedding scene I figured setting the mood with one of my favorite instrumentals would be appropriate. I've had this song on loop since I started writing this to keep me inspired.

Here it is: "Begin Again" by the Piano Guys

Yes it's a Taylor Swift song but it's so good I promise. Anyways, enough stalling and onto the Segan Wedding!


As a teenager Sam had never really given a moment like this a second thought. If someone would've asked her about settling down she would've just laughed and made some immature joke with the intention of offending people who chose to marry. Not that she cared what other people did anyway, because that was their life, but she had always agreed that marriage just wasn't for her.

But time can change a person.

"God this is so bizarre," Blair chimed, pulling Sam out of her thoughts. "You look really good in white, though."

Sam felt a smile growing on her lips because a sudden boost of confidence is what she needed at the moment. Although Sam had maybe worn white once in her life other than today she knew Blair was right, she looked great.

Inhaling a deep breath she exhaled negative thoughts, thinking about how in just a few minutes she would be walking down the aisle. She had agreed to walk first, which she didn't mind because then she could enjoy watching Megan without any distractions. Just the thought of her fiancé made Sam's heart flutter.

Although Sam was excited, she could easily recall the last time she had been this nervous, which was just a little over a year ago.

"Let's just stay here. We don't have to go back."

Sam glanced over to Megan, the salty breeze whipping her dark curls over her shoulders as they walked down the shore line. Her hands were shaking and her heart was pounding, but the last thing she wanted to do was ruin the surprise. She had to act natural.

"You're right, forget responsibilities. Let's become beach bums. I'm sure Shawn and Casey wouldn't mind us crashing on their couch until we got back on our feet." She hoped her forced, natural tone buried the nerves she was trying so hard to hide.

The pleasure of Megan's laugh filled Sam's ears, her heart doing somersaults inside her chest. They were about five minutes from her destination and she was doing her best not to freak out. She wanted everything to be absolutely perfect but she had the luck of a two-leafed clover. If her plan failed she would be devastated, which would only happen if Shawn and Casey weren't there waiting or a seagull crapped on her head.

But if it went right all of the nerves and planning would be worth it.

Megan slips her hand into Sam's, feeling the comfort surround her like a blanket. This trip had been one of the best, and she was positive nothing could make it any more perfect. Although, she could sense something off about Sam but wasn't exactly sure what it was. In all actuality it was worrying her, but what exactly could be wrong? She was on vacation and everything back home was fine according to Blair and Tony... so what was on her mind?

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now