Chapter 30

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I was woke up by someone's sloppy kisses all over my face. I instantly knew who it was. Lucifer noticed my consciousness, as he climbed on top of me. I tiredly opened my eyes and he kissed me hard.

"Good morning, wife" he said while kissing my jaws and neck.
"Morning" I tried to get away from him but that stubborn rock! Didn't let me move an inch.

"Hmmm" he hummed still placing soft, sloppy kisses all over me.
"I'm sleepy. Please let me sleep"
He only chuckled and said "You surely are not a morning person. Are you?".
I shook my head at him. He only smirked and kissed me again, taking my breath away.

After a while, I found myself making morning love with my husband. He took me at least three times, in the morning, making me more tired.
He even made love to me in the shower.

'God. He never gets tired or what?'

We came downstairs together. Seeing us together, Amy's smile widen up. During the whole breakfast, Lucifer was holding my hand tightly, with occasionally kissing my palm.

After our breakfast, Lucifer got up and fixed his suit.
"Umm?" I looked up at him.
"You are coming with me today".
"Huh?" I asked in a confused tone. He turned towards Amy, and said "No need to cook Maisie's lunch today. We are having it with some of my business clients". He again look at me with unreadable emotion in his eyes.
"I need you today. Come with me", he said while holding my both hands.
I was confused but nevertheless, I agreed.
"Okay. Let me change" I said hurriedly.
"No need. Your outfit is perfect"
"But it's too simple, isn't it?"
"No. It's perfect. Simplicity is the elegance, love. Let's go" he wrapped his arm around my waist, gently pulling me outside. We went to his car and drive off.

We reached his work place in a while. It was a huge building, made up of glass. It was beautiful. Many people were moving in and out of the entrance. When we stepped inside the building, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and watched us, curiously.

I suddenly felt out of the place as everyone was dressed officially. Some were shocked, whereas others were admiring. Lucifer didn't pay much attention to them and made his way towards the elevator. It might be his private elevator because no one came with us. He pressed a button to the top floor.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked out of curiosity. He looked at me and smirked. Then he sighed and said "One of my client's family wants to meet you. They asked me if I could bring you to lunch today and I agreed".
"Oh" I said. Few seconds went in silence, then Lucifer pulled me towards him by my waist and whispered "Besides I want you to tame me today. I don't think I'll be able to control myself today".

My eyes widened up and I looked at him with shocked expression. I was about to ask him what does he meant but the elevator door opened. We exit the elevator and went towards his office. His room was beautiful. It was simple but classy. The walls were of black and white. A large desk was placed in the centre. The opposite wall of the door was completely made up of glass. The view was amazing.

Lucifer gently pulled me towards the glass wall. I tried to stop him but he didn't listen. When we reached near it, he released my hand and stands behind me. The view was breathtaking. And due to my fear of heights, it surely took my breath away. It wasn't like my acrophobia was completely vanished but the anxiety attacks were minimized.

A small gasp was released from my mouth, when I noticed the height. I took a few steps back but was stopped by a rock hard body. I looked back and saw my husband. He wrapped his both hands around my stomach and pulled my back towards his chest.

"It's okay. I'm here" he said, kissing me behind my ear. My breathing was still uneven, so I closed my eyes forcefully.
"Open your eyes" he commanded. Of course I didn't. He gently squeezed my waist and again said "Open your eyes, wife". I slowly opened them, but instead of looking out, I looked at him.

"I'm scared" I whimpered. His eyes softened and he smiled charmingly at me. "I'm here". He gave me a toe curling kiss.
A knock interrupted us. Lucifer groaned in annoyance. "Who is it?" He barked angrily. The door was opened by a young nervous man. He was holding many files in his slightly shaking hands.
"Sir, Mr Charles is here" he said nervously. Lucifer clenched his teeth angrily but didn't said anything. He just nodded and dismissed that man.

Once the door was closed, Lucifer sighed angrily and run his hands through his hairs. "Let's go" he said after calming a little.

We went towards another room. It was a conference room, where one old man was seated already. When he noticed us entering, he got up and welcomed us.
"Mr Knight, Nice to meet you again" he shook his hands with Lucifer. Then he turned towards me and said "Ahh. You must be Maisie. So the rumors are true. You truly are a heavenly beauty. Myself, Mr Harry Charles, Maisie". He forwarded his hand for me but before I could take it, Lucifer swiped it off.

"It would be Mrs Knight to you, Harry" Lucifer said angrily but in a calm voice. Mr Charles only smirked and said "Possessive? Why wouldn't you? She is so beautiful, that anyone would want her". He then looked at me with lustful eyes and licked his lips, like a old pervert.

A shiver of disgust ran down my spine. I looked down, avoiding his disgusting gaze. Suddenly, Lucifer pushed me behind him and said through his clenched teeth, "If you dare to look at her again, I swear you won't be able to look at anyone again".

A gasp escaped from Mr Charles. He backed away and gave a nervous laugh. "Oh Mr Knight. No need to be so angry. I was just kidding. Can we proceed with our meeting?". Lucifer nodded

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