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I reached at the bakery shop just on time, all thanks to Ethan. This shop belongs to an old couple. They are total sweethearts. They are like my grandparents I never had.

I opened the shop, wore the bakery apron and after few minutes customers began to came. I was just giving order of cupcakes to a woman when suddenly the door burst open. "Sorry sorry sorry!!! I'm late again. Wait let me hang my apron" Bella said while hurriedly wearing her apron. She works with me but she is a year older than me. Bella is the main Baker. She is a sassy girl who can snap at anyone and at anytime but her sweets are mouth watering. She taught me some baking recipes too.

"Calm down Bella. No need to hurry. I have everything under control" I said. "Oh Maisie. You are such a darling, girl. Thank you for maintaining everything", she said while hugging me. I smiled at her and resume my work. After some time our other co-workers began to came.

At 7 pm, Bella locked the shop. Everyone went to their ways. I was walking to my house. I hurriedly made my way to my house as I have to make dinner too. Luckily, my house was not so far from the bakery shop.

When I entered the house, I can feel that my aunt was not there. But Jenna was at her room because her room's light were on and loud music was coming out of her room. I hurriedly changed into my homey clothes and began to cook dinner. Usually we had our dinner at 8 pm, so I hurried up.

While cooking I heard Jenna's music went off. After some time some weird sounds were coming out of her room. Later I realized that she had some company with her and she was moaning out loud. I just wanted to cover my ears. After some time, My dinner was ready. I waited sometime for my aunt. When it was 8:30, my aunt arrived looking as stressed as ever. I brought her a glass of water when Jenna and her company, non other than Jason came to living room. I was shocked and little bit hurt but I covered it. Jenna asked Jason to have dinner with us which he happily agreed. I served dinner for everyone.

Aunt Mary and Jenna were talking about something when again I felt burning gaze on me. When I looked up from my plate I saw Jason looking at me with a unreadable emotion in his face. I frowned and looked down to my plate to continue eating.

After some time Jason went home. I was cleaning the dinning when aunt Mary called me from living room. I went to her and asked what happened.
"Why was Jason here?" She asked.
I was surprised to think why was she asking me. "I don't know. He was with Jenna. Maybe some proj-" I never get to complete my sentence because now I was lying on floor in the impact of the hard slap aunt Mary gave me. This was the first time when she physically hurt me. I was shocked. I couldn't process what was happening. Tears filled my eyes when I looked up at her. There she was standing fuming with Jenna smirking by side.

"Do you think I'm stupid?? You fucking idiot, how dare you invite your friend in my house?? How dare you make a boyfriend?? You disgrace orphan girl. And how dare you blame my princess Jenna." She yelled at me. Till now I had tears streaming down my face. I couldn't say anything. My throat felt dry.
"Why my stupid brother hand you over me? He should have killed you with him. Why are you hanging on my neck, huh?? Why don't you just die." She shouted again while breaking a vase. I flinched and sobbed loudly. She stormed out of the room. Jenna was still there, smirking.

"Now now princess Maisie Grayson. Do you want an invitation to start cleaning this mess" she pointed at the broken vase, "and never, I mean never say bad things about me to mom. And yes, stay away from Jason. Cause honey he is mine". After saying this she went to her room leaving me to clean the mess. I rubbed my tears. And start cleaning.

But aunt's words were still ringing in my ears. I broke into tears several times while cleaning. After making the room spotless, I went to my room. Again I cried and this  time, I cried myself to sleep.

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