Chapter Five

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After finally finding a villager on the road and asking which way the town was, Sadie and Noah set off. They arrived an hour later and looked around in awe at the bustling activity. The look was old fashioned, with the building designs and the outfits people wore. Sadie had never seen so many girls wearing dresses just for normal-day activities. She noticed that the town seemed to be decorated with colorful paper and different decorations.

She turned to Noah. "So, we don't have magic of any kind to help us-"

"Amazing, Sherlock." Noah commented sarcastically. Sadie ignored him.

"So we need to find everything she needs for the ball on our own." She finished.

"So like what, her outfit? It shouldn't be too hard to find a dress, right? We could ask one of these girls-"

"I think she needs something more special. Cinderella in the dress is what catches the prince's attention in the first place. If she's wearing a plain dress, he might not notice her." Sadie reminded.

"That's stupid." Noah said. Then he eyed her. "I'm surprised you know so much about this movie. Aren't you required to like, hate Disney? Don't they encourage the whole 'damsel in distress' thing, or promote monopoly industries or something?"

Sadie shrugged. "I'm not immune to the wonders of Disney magic." She said simply. "Also, I'm surprised you know so much about the things that I supposedly hate," She added. Noah rolled his eyes, and Sadie put her hands on her hips. "I think we should split up. We-" Sadie was interrupted by a burst of music floating their way. The two turned quickly and craned their necks to watch as a crowd of people appeared out of nowhere, marching in their direction. Leading the procession was a group of people holding strange-looking instruments in their hands; the source of the music.

"What now, a parade?" Noah groaned. As the crowd entered the main plaza, people stepped outside of the stores and clapped along happily with the music. Men in uniforms stood twirling batons of fire, women with incredibly high fruit hats swayed in time with the music, and another man walked around with a large snake draped around his neck, showing it off to people who were willing to come close enough. A few larger men walked proudly, carrying large ice sculptures that had been carved into beautiful, intricate designs. Amidst the parade was a horse-drawn carriage. An important looking man stood waving to the cheering crowd. Children began running out into the square to dance. Two ladies walked by Sadie and Noah and threw handfuls of confetti into the air, showering the two in tiny pieces of paper and fabric. Noah glowered at the scene before him while Sadie watched in awe.

Men began asking ladies to accompany them to dance. Couples crowded into the square, swaying to the music, laughing and smiling.

"This wasn't in the movie," Sadie murmured.

"This literally came out of nowhere," Noah added flatly.

Sadie shrugged. "Disney." she said simply. "Must be some sort of festival," she thought aloud. Suddenly, a boy her age stepped up to her. Sadie's eyes widened in surprise.

"M'lady, you wear such strange clothes," the boy began.

"Wow, he's a winner," Noah grumbled. Sadie shushed him and turned back to the boy, who had straightened up.

"I'm not from around here," Sadie replied hesitantly. The boy nodded.

"I assumed as much. I must say, although I do not usually declare such are quite beautiful." He continued. Sadie flushed and then gave Noah a smug look. He rolled his eyes.

Sadie, EnchantedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin