Chapter 6

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Nadiya felt compromised and the bad thing? It felt good. She was dazed by him. Him being so close had put an end to her common sense. She could no longer think. Her heart thumped like drums.

There were just inches apart from their lips. She closed her eyes as he lowered his lips. All she could feel was his breath hitting her face and a gasp.

A gasp? She pulled herself from the trance to see Jellal frowing too. He pulled away from her. She met the eyes of a girl standing there. Her eyes were glassy and she was dressed in silk. Definitely royalty. Nadiya couldn't make out the expression on her face. It was as if she was angry and sad at the same time.

"Ada..." Jellal said in a low voice.

She raised her hand at him implying him to stop. Nadiya lifted her brow. She was behaving casually with the imperial prince. That meant two things, she was an very important personality and second she was the same rank as him.

She shot daggers at her. Nadiya looked at her puzzled.

"What are you doing here, you wench?"

Nadiya winced at her tone. What was she supposed to say now?

"Ada....She's my mistress..."

She gasped again.

"We haven't even married yet and you've taken a mistress? What is this Jellal?"

Nadiya felt like the odd man out. She didn't know what to say. She was so confused as to who this girl was? And did she say married? She looked at Jellal for answers. He just ran a hand through his hair and muttered something through gritted teeth.

Finally, she came to the conclusion that she wasn't getting any answers. She decided to leave and then that girl caught her arm. Nadiya winced, another minute more she might draw blood.

"Where are you going? You low life!" She sneered. She tried prying her arms away when she pulled her hand back and slapped Nadiya on the cheek.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"This is what you deserve!"

Is this what she deserved? What was her crime? ? Was it following the prince's orders?


"Ada!" Jellal yelled. She slapped her. Anger coursed through his veins. What was she even thinking?

"Unhand her! Now!" He voice boomed through the walls of the chamber.

"Jellal..." Ada looked at him pleadingly.

"Leave!" He said through gritted teeth.

"Jellal, let me explain..." She took a step towards him.

"I said. Leave!" He said applying brief spaces between each word. She left shooting a glare towards Nadiya.


Nadiya stood there. Her body felt numb. She blinked profusely so that she could get rid of the tears.

"Are you okay?" He said touching her cheek which felt like burning coal.

She shoved his hand away. And looked away.

"I'm sorry..." He pleaded.

She sniffed and bit her bottom lip to control the sobs erupting from her chest.

"Nadiya, please... look at me." He raised her chin to meet his eyes. Her eyes filled up with tears and her vision blurred. She let out a sob. He immediately wrapped his arms around her. She pressed her face to his chest and sobbed for as long as she could renember.

"Who was she? What is she to you?" She asked stammering.

"She's my bethrothed. I'm promised to her since I was eight."

Nadiya pulled back abruptly.


"I was just meaning to tell her we were just friends and I don't like you the way that I like her...."

Nadiya couldn't hear of that anymore. She picked up her skirt and ran away out of the room and into her chambers.

Oh how stupid I am? I thought the prince had taken a liking in me and only reason he behaved like he behaved was because of the friendship they shared.

She thought cursing herself.


Jellal kept on rambling until she ran away. He stood there startled. She was mad again. He let out a curse! Why couldn't he just man up and tell her he liked her?

Ada would surely kill her if she knew he liked her. He growled in frustration! Why was this happening?


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