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You walked home, your head hung low as you blamed yourself for what happened earlier.

You felt like you pressured him.

Maybe he doesn't really want a label for the both of you.

You promised to be there for him, always, so that should be enough for him to know you truly did love him.

And maybe he knew, but he might not love you.

You felt stupid about thinking that. He has showed you in many ways that he needs you.

You kicked rocks as you walked over to your house.

"Ugh!" You shouted in the middle of the street. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" You said as you pulled your hair.

You turned your hair to the right just to see some people outside of their houses. A man was holding her daughter close to him, covering her eyes, looking at you frightened.

You bowed while smiling nervously and speed walked over to your house.

As you got nearer to your house, you saw a figure standing outside of your house. He would walk up to the door and chicken out and ran to the end of the driveway.

As you got closer, that figure turned out to be Jungkook.

You were ashamed of what happened earlier, you practically got rejected. Now what?

You looked around nervously and decided to pretend as if you didn't see him as you walked to your door.

Just a few steps away from your door he spoke, "Y/N." His voice merely a whisper.

You stopped on your tracks, and turned around. "Oh, Jungkook! Didn't see you there, buddy!" You said as you awkwardly laughed. You mentally cursed yourself for saying that.

In all honesty, you didn't feel ready for what he had to say. He probably didn't want to see you anymore. He probably wanted to end everything, and all because of what you said.

He chuckled nervously, "Um... well, yeah. I'm here! Ha-Ha."

You put your hands behind your back and swung back and forth on your heels. "Yup!" You said popping the 'p'. "You're here. In my house."

"About earlier-" He started.

"Look, Jungkook." You sighed as you cut him off. "You don't really have to explain yourself, it's alright. I know I ruined things, and you probably don't even like me. To be honest, I wouldn't like myself either. I don't even love myself, how the fuck did I expect you to love me?" You rambled, speaking more to yourself than to Jungkook, slowly forgetting he was even there. "I shouldn't have asked, I ruined what we had for nothing. But I couldn't help but be insecure. This was all too similar to what happened before. I was afraid, well I am currently afraid that the same thing will happen again. I'm just so worthless and easy to forg-"

You were cut off by his lips. He so passionately kissed you, not wanting to hear those words from you. He loved you more than anything. You were the strong one here, the one who helped him. You weren't supposed to hide this from him.

To hide your insecurities.

He was here now for you. And he doubts that you knew that. But he would make you know now. That you now had him. That you could rely on him. Because he was no longer shy.

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I'm so sorry for the short updates and chapters! School has me crazy and I can't seem to find time to write. I'm truly sorry that you have to wait this long only to be met by short boring chapters! I'll try to update more and write whenever I can. But today I'll be making a project that's due tomorrow lmao. I'll still try to update, have a good day! 💜

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