Back in The Game

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6/10/09 too early.

“Baby? Russell, wake up.” I groaned and cracked my eyes at the sound of Bethany’s voice and the touch of her cold hands as she shook me.

“What is it?” I rolled over, grimacing as I felt the damp drool patch on the pillow beneath my head.

“I’ve been called into work. They need me on the next plane to Washington. Someone tried to assassinate the president.”

I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at her with tired eyes, convinced that I was still dreaming.


“Oh, you’re useless when you just wake up. Look, I don’t know how long I’m going to be gone for because my boss reckons that this is just the first attempt and I may have to stay there until he’s happy that it’s over.”

“I don’t get it. What?” I really didn’t process anything anyone told me when I first woke up. It took a long shower, a coffee and a bagel before I was functional.

Bethany rolled her light grey eyes and glared at me before continuing to pack her suitcase. “It’s all over the news, maybe you’ll listen to the newscaster if you won’t listen to me.”

“Sweetie, don’t be like that. You know I listen.” I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

“Apart from when it matters.” She seemed a little irritated and I decided not to push the matter anymore. If I’d learnt one lesson in life it was that it’s not a wise idea at all to try and deal with a girl who was annoyed at you. Granted, I didn’t think that Bethany would beat me up in the same way Roz used to when I annoyed her, but still.

I watched as Bethany zipped the case shut and slipped her black jacket on. She moved to the door and I pouted. “What? No kiss?”

“One, you don’t even know what’s happening and two, you have morning breath and furry teeth.” I rolled my tongue across my teeth and shook my head, but she just sighed and pushed her blonde hair from her tanned face. “I’ll call you when I land in DC and do me a favour and watch the news.” She shut the door behind her and I yawned, ready to fall back to sleep when I recalled my conversation with Roz yesterday.

“Tomorrow morning you’ll understand. Once Bethany has gone to work-and she will go-if you’re interested in what I have to say then meet me here, this exact spot at noon.”

I suddenly felt more awake. Things began to make a bit more sense and I grabbed the TV remote from the bedside table, flicking to the news channel and listening intently, my jaw dropping at what I heard.


“This afternoon the president was due to leave for New York as part of his tour of the US. However, all plans were halted after an attempted assassination failed. The president is refusing to acknowledge the danger of more attempts on his life and insists that his tour will go on. Meanwhile, the FBI have arrested a thirty eight year old male who is suspected of being behind the attack. We go to Linda Cavill at the scene.”

My eyes widened and I almost fell off the bed when a picture of a familiar man came on the screen. His dark hair was threaded with silver now and there were age lines forming around his blue eyes, but I couldn’t be mistaken about this.

The man on the screen was Joe Macinfield!

6/10/09 Almost noon

I rushed to get dressed, almost putting my shirt on inside out as I kept my eyes fixed on the news channel, waiting to hear that Joe had been released and that it was all a mistake, but it never came.

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