Ch. 13 Loyalty

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Rosabelle's POV

Their growls sent shivers down my body. I didn't mean to make them mad, but my loyalty to Stefan outshines any relationship. He was my best friend and I wasn't about to lose him. He has been the only constant in my life. The only one who didn't look at me differently after knowing who I am. 

"Rosabelle, you are not going anywhere with those two." Nik said in a deathly calm voice. 

"Nik, you don't understand. I-"

"No, Rosabelle, you are staying here and it's final." Elijah butt in.


"Rosabelle, I swear to God you walk out that door with them, blood will be shed." Kol finished up their arguments.

"You guys don't understand! I have to go." I said lowering my voice.

"And why pray tell, my dear Rosabelle, must you go?" Nik said walking towards me.

"Because she's loyal, Klaus. And to be honest, all of her loyalty lies with me. Almost anything I ask, she would do. So, looks like you're going to have to step back and let her go." Was Stefan trying to anger them?

"Watch your mouth, Salvatore!" Kol yelled.

"Rosabelle, I am not allowing you to leave." Elijah stated, looking right into my eyes.

"Then I am going to disappoint you, because I must go. I will be back. That much I promise. But as for right now, I will be going. Until next time. I shall miss you all. Don't be too mad, okay?" Giving a little smile to the three men in front of me, I then ran to Stefan and Damon and grabbed their hands.

"Rosabelle!" All three Mikealsons yelled. But by the time they finished my name, we were already leaving the manor. This angel teleportation thing really comes in handy! We appeared back at the Boarding House with a bright flash emitting from around us. The brothers stumbled around a bit, not used to my means of immediate travel. Walking towards the couch, I sat down, ready for the lecture I knew I was about to get. 

"Rosabelle! What the hell were you thinking?" Stefan yelled.

"I was thinking I needed to know more about myself. I would have come back quicker but Rebekah wanted to go shopping and you know I don't make friends easily so I wasn't going to pass that up, and then Nik, Elijah, and Kol came and when we went back we were doing his spell. Then we got in an argument, so I left. But Elijah found me and apparently they stuck some claim on me or something and that's about it. But you can't be mad! I came back when you asked. I didn't fight you."

"Mad? I'm not mad Bellzy. I was worried. I know what they are capable of and with your past, I don't want anything else bad happening to you. I couldn't bare to lose you again. I'm not letting you go so easily this time." With my face in his hands, he spoke calmly, looking directly into my eyes. Our connection was broken when Damon spoke.

"Well I'm mad. You went against what we said! We were just trying to protect you! You're lucky they didn't do anything. They could have killed you and I just got you in my life. I don't want you leaving so soon Munchkin." 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry either of you. I just wanted to figure myself out. You don't have to worry about the Mikaelsons though. They are really nice and I don't think they would hurt me." 

"It doesn't matter. You're staying here. At least for now. Fight us on it later, but for now just stay with us. Okay?" Stefan asked softly.

"Okay, but we are revisiting this tomorrow." I nodded at no one in particular. 

"Now that you have stolen back your favorite girl, what are we going to do? You know I get bored easily." I said jokingly to the brothers.

"Well, let's go change first so we are comfy and then figure it out." Stefan, ever the planner, said.

"Munchkin, you know the deal." 

"What deal?" I asked confused. Damon just chuckled and smirked at a slightly confused Stefan. Do they have some mind link thing going on because Stefan started smirking after looking into Damon's eyes. They both flashed away and came back with an article of clothing. 

"You're kidding me, right?" 

"Not one bit, Bellzy." Can someone say deja vu please?

"And please tell me when I made this so called deal and what I got in return?" 

"Damon was wrong. It wasn't a deal. It was a kind demand. We ask nicely, but in all honestly we aren't asking. Now get that cute butt upstairs and change Bellzy." 

"Ughhh!" I yelled while flashing off. I swear this day couldn't be crazier. After changing, I came back downstairs to see the couches moved similar to the makeshift bed I made the other night.

"Are we having a sleepover?" Giggles escaped me as I asked. 

"Yep and we are playing a game. No more movies for awhile. The last one fucked me up." Damon said.

"Fine, fine." Getting on the couch, I sat down so I was comfy. To be honest, I would be a lot comfier if the door to the Boarding House wasn't being slammed open and if three males didn't speed into the room and if the two Salvatores weren't taking defensive stances. Well, there goes my calm night. 

"Hello guys! As much as it is nice to see you all, we were about to play a game and actually sleep tonight. Is there anything we can help you with that you ever so kindly barged in for?" I said in a sweet voice. Mother always said be polite!

"Rosabelle, get up. We are leaving." The calm voice of Elijah said. 

"I would, but I already promised Stefan and Damon that I would stay tonight and revisit the issue tomorrow." 

"As much as I appreciate your loyalty, love, it's time to get going." Klaus was the next to speak.

"Again, I'm not going anywhere until tomorrow-"

"I said revisit not change of opinion Belle." Stefan cut in.

"Not now Stefan! Anyway, tonight I'm staying. We will talk about this tomorrow." Finally finishing what I had to say, I let out a sigh. 

"Fine! You want to stay here? Then stay. But I'm staying too, darling. I don't trust these Salvatores."

"Hey! Who said you can stay here?!" Damon shouted.

"Shut it, Salvatore!" Kol yelled back. Between the pickering of the two, a large growl sounded through. 

"What are you wearing?! I can smell their scent all over you!" Klaus practically growled out.

"Um Stefan and Damon's stuff. They said I had to wear it." 

"And why, my sweet, is that?" Elijah's calm voice turned deep and dark, but ever so sexy.

"That's because everyone needs to know that she's a Salvatore. Best friend, little sister, what does it matter. She's both to us at this point." Damon stated confidently. A small smile appeared on my face at his little speech. 

"I don't like it." Kol stated firmly.

"Well you don't have to like it. It's not your issue." Stefan rebutted.

"It is when she's the Mikaelson's Tribrid." Argued Elijah. 

"She's not your anything!" The Salvatore brothers yelled back. All five of them started arguing until I cut in.

"You're all lucky I'm not like other girls that go on about 'I'm no one's. I'm my own person.' Also, can you all argue about this tomorrow? I'm hungry and tired and let me tell you that is never good." Quietness surrounded the room.

"Good. Now, Stefan go grab the blood bags. I'm hungry." 

"But it's so far. Why can't you get it Bellzy?" 

"I'll make your favorite." Stefan immediately went to grab the bags. "Well, are you staying or going? Don't just stand there." The three brothers and Damon sat themselves on the remaining couches that weren't being used in the makeshift bed. Once seated, Stefan appeared back with a bunch of bags. Perfect! Hungry Belle isn't a pretty one. Let's just say that.

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