Ch. 5 Mischievous

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Rosabelle's POV

Elijah. I've heard of him. The elder Mikaelson, the most moral of all the siblings. But neither of those things interested me. What I needed was his knowledge. He was the most intelligent being in the world. He knew more then any of his siblings. It was like he impersonated a modern day version of The Library of Alexandria. I needed to know more about what I am and he seems like the best person for that.

Once I said that I would take Elijah for a few hours in return, voices sprang up, each getting louder then the last. 

First it was Damon with an astonished "What!"

Next Kol with a confused and slightly agitated "Him?"

And finally Stefan with an angry "No way in hell." 

But their opinions didn't matter. The only words I needed to hear would come from the two silent men that have not spoken a word on the matter yet. 

"Elijah, brother, what do you say to this little proposal?"

"Always and forever, right Niklaus."

"Then you have your deal, love. Perhaps Elijah could come around tomorrow and we can move this process along?"

"That would be up to him. I don't really mind when." I told him kindly. Maybe now I could finally get the answers I have been searching for!

"Tomorrow is fine, Rosabelle. Where shall I meet you?" 

"One second, please." I said and quickly ran off to the bar. I grabbed a napkin and a pen and wrote down The bench outside town-hall at noon. I walked back over to the group and handed the napkin to Elijah. His eyes scanned over the writing and looked back up at me, only to nod slightly. 

"See you tomorrow then." The Mikaelsons began to walk out when I turned around. Faced with two angry sets eyes, I tried to play it off. I knew neither of them wanted me to go tomorrow, but I had to.


"No Belle. There is no way in hell you are going tomorrow. First, you go and tell them you're a tribrid, then you offer to help them, which is just going to result in them either killing you or you becoming their personal witch servant, but then you go and make plans to be with Elijah! I don't care what you think, you are staying home tomorrow and away from them! You got it!" Stefan roared. I don't think I've ever heard him talk like that. My eyes were wide with surprise and helplessness. I had to go! I looked towards Damon for help, but found nothing. His eyes were hard.

"You're not going and that's final Belle." He said. I just let out a heavy sigh. They must have taken that as a white flag of surrender, because after that their bodies let out a little tension. 

"Okay, let's go home Munchkin." Back to the Munchkin thing I see. No matter, I'm going tomorrow even if I have to sneak out. I nodded my head at Damon, and we walked out, leaving Elena to go back to where ever she came from. Tomorrow is a new day and I'm not losing my opportunity to figure myself out. 


It was 11am when I was ready to go. Damon and Stefan have been watching me like a hawk to make sure I don't go anywhere. Their efforts will be proven futile. I was walking out of the kitchen when I saw Stefan and Damon on the couch, waiting for me.

"Bellzy, come sit with us. We're going to watch a movie."

"Stefan, you know I have better things to do today then watch a movie." Their heads turned so fast, if they were human they would have whiplash. Cold, determined eyes set themselves on me.

"No." Both said gruffly.

"But you see, you don't control me. Only I control me, and unfortunately for you, I can control you two right now. So, I'm going to go now. We can do this the easy way or the hard way and for some reason I feel I already know the answer." The brothers were standing by the time I stopped talking, ready to jump on me if I made the smallest move.

"Belle, you know we are only trying to protect you." Stefan said trying to reason with me, but I wasn't stopping.

"There was a time I needed protection Stefan, but that time isn't now. I will see you both soon." I said. With that, they both ran at me, but I was gone before they could touch me. A bright light carried me out of the house and about a mile into the surrounding woods. One of the great perks of an Angel: disappearing into thin air. I began my walk towards the town square, ready to meet Elijah again.

The walk was peaceful. I had time to gather myself and really tune into what I wanted to know. In no time, I was in front of town hall, sitting myself down on the bench. Stefan and Damon were probably going crazy looking for me already, but they would never check the middle of town, where everyone is. They would think of something secluded and out of the public eye. 

"Rosabelle. Lovely to see you again." A voice spoke next to me. I turned to see Elijah, dressed to the tens as always in a fitting, black suit. 

"Elijah. Thank you for coming. I hope I didn't disrupt your day or anything." I replied shyly. I always had the insecurity that people could do much more with their time then spend it with me. I can thank my dear sister for that one. 

"And miss the opportunity to see a pretty lady. Never." He gave me a mischievous smile. That was hot. I could feel the blood rushing to my checks at his compliment, however. I lowered my head trying to hide my reaction, but I should have known better. I felt two fingers on my chin, gently raising my head. 

"No need to hide. Wouldn't want to miss that beautiful smile and those pretty eyes, now would we." He knew how to make a smile come to my face, but my checks only reddened. 

"Thank you, Elijah. Now, the reason I asked for you is that I'm hoping you can help me. As you know, I'm a tribrid. But, I'm not quite sure about my powers and all that. Maybe you know something or maybe somewhere that I can figure some things out?" 

"I, myself, have never heard of a tribrid. You're rare, Rosabelle, if not unique in that way. However, I may know somewhere that could have a little information. Are you up for a little road trip?" 

"A road trip it is."

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