Ghost Princess ~ Twelve

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"Love? I'm sorry but I don't like really like that word, I don't hate it or dislike it..." Selena muttered to the Queen, "I despise it."

Selena and Queen Coral were just sitting in one of the restaurants that the festival can give. Currently they were talking about their other life with jasmine tea. Selena was intrigued to find out that the Amazonian Warriors were still alive and preserved like how cool is that to know that Queen Coral's last life was about her associating with the Warriors.

But now the topic seems to be very sensitive topic to Selena.

"Oh? I'm quite surprise that you despise it." Coral muttered, "Some of the Amazon Warriors dislike men but some do love them in order to produce more females."

"Hmm..." Selena hummed in acknowledgement. She seems to be in deep thought.

"There must be a reason to why you despise it though.." Coral said and took the teacup towards her lips.

"Yes...there is.."




"So you guys are together again?" Olive asked hopefully. She's been dying to see her ship coming back up instead of being a sunken ship again. I just playfully glared at her and shook my head. Her face fell into disappointment and she quickly disappeared seeing that she didn't get what she wanted.

It's not my fault that me and him broke up. He likes another girl and I got used to him not giving me any attention like he used to. So we had to break and I don't plan on going to another person anymore since I got my family's 'one love' only genes. We don't do more than one ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.

"Aah...they're so cute.." I muttered as I looked outside the classroom window to see him and my best friend walking side by side. Not gonna lie but I used to like my best friend and started shipping her with my now current ex-boyfriend. What? It's cute since they almost have the same personality and totally my type. That's why I ship it.

"The fxck are you doing Lee?"

The person who scared the heck out of me is Serena, a fellow anime fanatic best friend of mine who is still grumpy about mine and Vincent's break-up.

She's a cool best friend, she's that one best friend that literally cheers you on even if you're wrong and can cheer you up by shoving an instant noodles in front of your face or put up something that dazzles you and maybe make dramatic scenes to make you laugh.

She also swears 22/7 and is also very, very talkative. Likes anime, gayness, yaoiness, romance, manga. Will literally kill you. Apparently she diagnosed herself as a tsundere and a yandere.

(A/N: basically I'm describing my actual and real best friend Kawaii_Fox_Girl, she's real ma silent readers. 100% lucky to have her as a friend 😂)

"Oh nothing, just silently stalking my new ship." I chuckled evilly and stared at the new couple again. New ship indeed, I'm not sad or salty of their relationship, I'm just glad that I'm back to being single again. Which means I can go back to being free and not having to do something to impress the person I like anymore. Freedom tastes and feels sweet.


"Your love story is a bit sweet and sad but why exactly do you hate love?" Queen Coral asked. Selena looked down to her lap.


"Lee!" Serena shouted as she tried to push her way through the large crowd that started encircling around Haley. Serena and the other girls and some boys started fighting their way through the crowds as Haley was still humiliated by the two people that she thought that were her friends.

"Fxck off you douchebags! Lemme at'em!" Serena screeched once she got her way through and ran up to slap the heck out of Vincent and Laura. Luckily, Vanessa and Star came in the scene and managed to hold a raging Serena back.

Jack and Zack along with Olive, helped Haley up to go to the Nurse Office. Meanwhile Vincent and Laura were still laughing at how Haley was so foolish to even come and still talk to them like normal friends.

"I'm changing my mind on letting you stay here Vincent." Vanessa muttered and whipped out her phone to call her parents to move her little brother out of the school. What he did was unforgivable.

Who the hell just insults and slaps a person when trying to talk to them and continues to kick them until they're all covered in bruises and scars?


"Oh...I see..."

"Love isn't just a male and a female romance, love can be about friendship. And it hurts when the people that you think you trusted actually backstabbed you." Selena said as she recalled on how she died and how she moved into another school because of the incident.

"It's my fault that I trusted them anyways..."

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