Ghost Princess ~ Ten

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He really couldn't think of ways on how in the world did that girl turn from a clingy and snobby Princess to an anti-social and book nerd mature woman.

Well, his Mother did told him that once a someone is broken or dumped by the person they have been fancying of, they might change or move on. But this girl, she changed. Well to him, it's a nice change. A really nice change.

It could also probably help with his plan due to the change of this girl he is currently thinking about.

"Send the letter to the Inverno Kingdom saying that I will be attending the Festival they are hosting this year." He threw a letter with his Kingdom's seal on the middle and walked elegantly outside his study.

It is time to pay another visit with the Crown Princess, Selena.


Selena quietly sat in front of the unique visitors who gazed at her both curiously and amazement.

"Can we call you big sister?" Both Lune and Rune asked. Selena's eyes twitched but nevertheless let them call her that. She was a bit uncomfortable with sitting right in front of the Queen of a major Kingdom in another country and with her children too. The next in line royals of Quartet Kingdom. Selena can't really afford of making them her enemy yet.

"So, you all came here for a reason right?" Selena started. Coral nodded, smiling as she handed Selena a familiar looking snack.

"Oh my gosh you have McDonald's!" Selena shouted, eyes glittering with hunger. She hadn't had one ever since she came in this world. Goodness how does this Queen know this food? Is she also a transmigrator? That might be a high possibility.

"McDonald's were also my favourite back then. But KFC is oh my god." Coral squealed since she could finally speak modern-ish with a person from the 21st century in the last world.

Well, technically Coral or "Maya" was born in the 20th century and died (passed away) in the 21st. But oh well, at least Coral got to taste some of the food. McDonald's was still alive in the 20th century anyways. KFC too.

"Mommy! Lune/Rune is annoying me again!" Both of Coral's twins whined while pointing at each other. Selena giggled along with the other children of Coral as the Queen of Quartet Kingdom sighed as they interrupted her squealing moments.

Quin hesitantly joined too after a long persuasion from Selena. The blue haired assistant easily made friends with Sage and Amora as they are also book lovers.

The room was quite lively, filled with the smells of McDonald's food and loud screaming from the kids and maybe some laughter to add the family vibes moment.

Outside the room they were in, someone clenched their hands into a fist while staring silently at them through small gaps of the door. Eyes filled with envy, regrets and a strong sense of murder.

She quietly closed the door and stomped out of the halls and back into the other side of the Palace where she stays.

"Gelica grab me the things I need for a letter!" She yelled at her closest maid before slamming her wardrobe close.

She was angry, nope, furious. Why did that pathetic sister of hers managed to get the Queen of a famous Kingdom to visit her excitedly and willingly?! Why didn't the Queen went to see her?! The Princess and the second daughter of the current Queen and King of Inverno Kingdom, not some daughter of a Concubine and the King!


"It was nice to hang out with people from the other world." Selena smiled at the Queen, "I feel more relaxed now thanks to you..."

"It was nothing child," Coral grinned, "but I'm curious, how did you end up in this world?"

Selena just stared at the window when Coral asked that question. How do you tell a fellow reincarnated character that you got raped by some drunkards and died in the process of it? Easy, you just tell them. No reasons to be ashamed of since it's all in the past now and Selena's currently focusing on both future and present.

"Ahh...about that, you see-" before Selena could even start her story, someone came in to interrupt her beautiful story telling time.

"Crown Princess, Crown Prince is 'asking' for your presence." Quin rolled her eyes at the word 'asking' it is more like the Crown Prince demanded that he needs to see her Mistress right away when she's already busy with hosting the Queen of Quartet Kingdom.

"Oh? It seems like the Crown Prince does not know about the Queen and her children visiting the Kingdom of Inferno..." Selena muttered darkly before excusing herself to see the princes Crown Prince.

Coral blinked innocently and decided to follow Selena silently with Quin curious about the Queen's unusual soft behaviour around her Mistress. It's not like Quin's jealous of the Queen taking her Mistress's attention away from her or anything...maybe.

Now coming back with Selena, the dark haired girl walked outside her office room and was met by an irritated and impatient Crown Prince Richard. In short, her damnable brother from another mother.

Ahh sibling rivalry at its finest..


•Dedicated to this wonderful reader•

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•Dedicated to this wonderful reader•

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