Chapter Fifty Five- Maybe I Learned From The Best

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Chapter 55

Amy's POV

"Hey- what are you doing home? I thought you were out with Harry" Eva looks over at me from the couch as she sits with a box of pizza in her sweats with a blanket. I slam the door behind me taking my shoes off as I had just walked for about 25 minutes in stilettos to get here.

"I hate him" I say as the door closes behind me.

"Woah what?" Eva frowns at me clearly completely confused by the whole situation.

"We had a fight-"

"Aren't you supposed to be seeing his Mom tonight?"  She cuts me off seeing that I was becoming upset just talking about it. Was I in the wrong? I don't understand how he couldn't see where I was coming from at all.

"Change of plan clearly- what are you doing here anyway?" I try change the subject as I walk a bit nearer to her inspecting her situation. She had two boxes of pizza on the coffee table , a bowl of popcorn, a box of tissues that looked un used and a blanket covering her grey swear pants as she sat in her green hoodie that was way to big for her, I think it was Niall's I wasn't sure.

"Trying to stay away from Niall- we had an argument" she says and I sigh.

"Harry told me- Are you okay?" I ask as I sit on the arm of the chair beside her as I see her eyes start to tear up.

"I'm fine- Wanna sit and eat pizza with me? We can be sad together?" She smiles sympathetically at me gesturing to her collecting of sweets and pizza that we could pig out on. To be honest, this was the best offer I had heard all day.

"Sure- let me change first" I say and she nods.

"Okay, I'll pick a movie" she calls to me as I start to make my way up the stairs. When I get to the bedroom I place my shoes down by my bed before up buttoning the side of my dress slipping out of it rather slowly. That's one outfit wasted, I thought to myself. I move over to my closet putting my dress back on the hanger as I pick out some grey shorts and pull a jumper from the draw. Which coincidentally was Harry's black nike hoodie. Fuck it, I can't be bothered looking for anything else. I threw the jumper over my head before walking over to vanity. I grabbed a make up wipe swiping it over my face until I was make up free before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jade asks as I sit on the couch next to her grabbing a blanket from the other couch before pulling it over me.

"You have enough on your plate, you don't need my drama as well" I shake my head. She had other stuff on I didn't need her listening to my shit and I'm sure she didn't want to either she was just being nice.

"I wanna hear it" she presses. I look over at He skeptically for a second before shrugging.

"I don't know what happened-"

"Is it about meeting his Mom?" She cuts me off as I start to tear up. I don't even know why I was crying. Out of frustration maybe?

"How do you guess?" I say as I fight back the tears.

"I know you too well, you over think everything" she laughs lightly and I frown.
"I mean I didn't say anything to you but I just noticed how well you were handling it- but I mean clearly not, or was it him?" She enquire's.

"No it was me" I nod.
"I just got cold feet I guess- I tried to explain it to him but he just got frustrated with me and blew me off" I shrug thinking back to our argument.

"What happened?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I just was so nervous and stressed about meeting his Mom that I kinda got worked up about it so I was already being off with him, he knew that, but then I just basically said the wrong thing-"

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