Chapter Fifty One- No Time Like The Present

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Chapter 51

Amy's POV

"Harry stop we need to go downstairs!" I push him off me as he starts to place small kisses down make neck making me laugh.

"Why? It's more fun up here" He jokes as he hovers above me.

"Your friends are downstairs, go talk to them-"

"Can't be arsed" he sighs before rolling next to me onto his back. I turn to him throwing a leg over him as he puts his arm under my head and I place my hand on his chest.
"Klaus has annoyed me and I don't feel like fighting him tonight" he sighs. Knowing Klaus had lied to try and split us up was overly frustrating. I was so angry at my brother because I didn't think he would do something like that.

"Should we go talk to him?" I ask looking up at him as I see him frown.
"Together" I add.

"Do you have a death wish?" He laughs lightly.

"I'm serious..." I say as I push his chest leaning up hovering above him.
"Maybe if he sees us together he might just except us a little more you know? I know he's not going to be happy about it but I just feel like it could help" I shrug and he rolls his eyes.

"Or it could go the in complete other direction and set him off again" he says making me sigh. I knew it was risky to do this tonight but I couldn't think of any other time to do it because Klaus has been avoiding us both for days.
"Why ruin tonight?" He adds and I sigh.

"Kinda already has been ruined"

"I asked you to be my girlfriend, what more do you want?" He smirks and I roll my eyes laughing lightly.

"Shut up! That's not what I meant and you know it!" I push him playfully seen as Harry needed to make a joke out of every situation.

"Fine, if you wanna talk to him let's go" he says as he sits up pushing me up with him.

"Really?" I smile as he pulls me on to his lap. I run my hands through the back of his hair as he places his hand on the back of my thighs as my dress starts to ride up.

"Yep" He says bluntly as he lightly squeezes the back of my thighs. I look at him skeptically for a second as it seemed way too easy to persuade him to do this. When he didn't want to do something more than likely he wouldn't do it. So why was this so easy?

"Why was that so easy? I thought it would of took more persuading" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as he shrugs.

"Your talking not me" He says as he lies back down.

"Harry..." I sigh rolling my eyes as I place my hands on his chest.

"I don't have anything to say to him!" He argues as he puts his hands behind his head nonchalantly.

"He's your best friend, you have to have something to say" I sigh as he just shrugs in reply to what I said. I knew Harry was stubborn but sometimes I could persuade him but I really didn't know how this was going to go in this situation.
"Please?" I plead as I push my hands up over his chest as I lean down so my nose brushed against his. He shakes his head making me sigh as I sit back up. I frown as he smirks up at me laughing lightly.
"Harry..." I groan as I pout like a child. He pauses for a second shaking his head before rolling his eyes.

"Fine" He sighs making me smile.
"You owe me" He says making me roll my eyes.

"I'm sure I can make up for it..." I say as I run my hands back up his chest as I lean over him.

"Better be something good because your literally asking for a fight right now" He says as he pushes me up as he sits up allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck.

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