~ Chapter Three ~

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~ Chapter Three~

"It is madness for a sheep to talk peace with a wolf."

Thomas Fuller

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I lurched backwards. My heart was caught in my throat. I stopped myself from shrieking but couldn't stop the quiet yelp from escaping my lips. My arms flayed out only find thin air. Dread filled me as I waited for the painful impact of the ground. It was really only a second before Maicoh wrapped his huge hands firmly around my arms and stilled my falling motion. I stood awkwardly, blinking in shock.

"Maeve." he breathed. I stared at him, caught between running or confronting him. I swallowed and tensed. Everything about him, even his thick, intoxicating scent, assaulted my senses causing my fingers to tremble with nervous anticipation. The heat from his fingertips penetrated my body and I fought back the instinctive shivers threatening to trail up my spine. Stuck in a delirium I became acutely aware of the mind shattering electricity which seemed to dance from body. The indescribable warmth that radiated from his body sent me into a rapture.

A quiet giggle broke my euphoria. I glanced over his broad shoulder to observe Lydia lounging in the cushions eyeing us in obvious amusement. I found my feet but he didn't let go. Part of me didn't want him too. My Stag bucked. I looked down at the carpet, cringing as I felt myself begin to shiver with anxiety. A natural curiosity struck me with fervent desires.

"You're shaking. Are you cold?" he questioned taking a step closer. The comment was curt, yet he bent his head lower. My eyes trailed up the crisp edges of his tux, the black bow tie, defined chin, bronze skin, strong jaw recently shaven, lips set in a stern line, sharp cheekbones and then finally what I feared the most, his eyes. His body hid his emotions relatively well but those grey, stormy eyes divulged everything. He seemed to eat me up. Every time that intense gaze trailed over my soft features it felt as if he was taking slow, tantalising bites. His hands left my arms and tightened around my waist possessively. I breathed in shakily, shocked by his forwardness and pushed at his biceps gently.

"I'm fine." I replied shortly, not daring to look him in the eye again. His brow creased in confusion and I couldn't help but admire how remarkably handsome he was even when perplexed. His dark hair fell across his long eye lashes as he bowed his head in consent, stepping aside to let me through. I could feel his eyes crawling all over me as I stepped cautiously into the room. My mother smiled in satisfaction and Lydia grinned like a cat. I clasped my wrist behind my back.

"Are the preparations finished?" my voice probed the awkward silence. I heard Maicoh move behind me and instinctively took a step away, sliding closer to my mother. Lydia chuckled.

"Yes, everyone has already gone." I bit my lip. They had been waiting for me. My nails dug into my skin as I realised Maicoh was my Marked Mate. He was the one everyone was betting on to take me on full moon. My Stag whinnied.

No, no, no. My lower lip quivered as I felt his hand slide up my lower back. It was like a thousand snakes slithering all over my body. My Stag was screaming at me to run.

"Shall we go?" I felt his hot breath against my ear. My eyes caught my mothers stolid gaze. She didn't even blink. I swallowed and nodded, my throat too dry to form words. Maicoh steered me out of the room and followed a step behind me, a gentle hand silently ordering me which way to go. I cringed inwardly.

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