Chapter 15

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Cole's POV

I don't know how to feel about the information presented to me. I have a second chance at my mate because of  a technicality. I wasn't lying when I told Cassie that I wanted an actual chance to be a family. I want a chance to have and to hold her mom. I want a chance to be a father. I missed so much because of my party animal ways and I regret them so much. I hope Cassie is right and that her mother can forgive me. I know the trust won't be earned back immediately but I would like a chance.

'Luna, please give me guidance and strength. I want an actual chance to fix my mistake and be the man you want me to be. I know I don't deserve it but you've been proven to be forgiving goddess. I just hope that I may please you.' I quickly pray and return to the work set before me.

"Hey Bossman. Can I ask a question?" My beta says walking in and sitting down.

"Was that not a question just then?" I sarcastically respond.

"Ha ha ha."  He says rolling his eyes before he continues. "Who is the girl that keeps coming and going?"

I sigh and think for a moment before responding. "I trust you not to tell until I allow you to so... Her name is Cassie Mora. She's my daughter."

"You have a daughter?" He asks with wide eyes.

"Yes. Her mother is my mate and I 'rejected' her 18 years ago while I was on my power high. Her mother is Ari Mora. They're visiting her brother and father and Ari is allowing me a chance to know my daughter."

"Why did you put quotes around 'rejected'?"

"That's another thing. They were looking at her birth certificate and found out that she's not actually Marcus' daughter. Her legal last name isn't Mora and therefore my rejection may not have been real."

"That's some heavy stuff boss. What would you do if the rejection didn't hold?"

"That's my current dilemma. I'm awaiting peace from the goddess. I want so badly for the rejection to have failed so I can have a chance at being a family but at the same time nervous that it did hold and I'll never have a chance because of a stupid mistake I made." I explain, throwing my head back against the seat.

"I'll tell you what. The Luna is known to come in dreams so why don't you go rest. I'll tell the pack you aren't well at the moment and you can try to get ahold of your thoughts. You can't expect peace when you're stressed out of your mind." He says standing and walking over to the desk.

"That sounds good man. I'll take you up on that." I say standing and giving him a bro hug him before walking to my room. I lay down on the bed, fully clothed, and close my eyes. It takes no time before I'm asleep.

When I wake up, I'm on a flowery hill and I know I'm in a dream. I suddenly hear a voice coming from every direction and no where all at once.

"Child." The heavenly voice says. "I have heard your prayers and have come to answer them."

I immediately drop to my knees and bow my head. "Luna, it's an honor to be in your presence. I ask only for your guidance."

"My child, my guidance is the reason I have brought you forth. I have seen your heart and you character development and I have come to give you the news. You have grown and I have granted you an opportunity to reclaim your happiness. The only thing stopping you is Ari. I haven't had a moment to speak with her just yet, but you two will need to meet in your own time and talk like the adults I know you are, but if my plan is to go right, you two will need to behave and think like the adults I know you are."

"Of course. I will do my best to respect your wishes Luna." I say, never having raised my head.

"I hope so child. Now awake."

I'm suddenly sitting up in bed and look over to my clock to see that it is now 4 in the afternoon. I sincerely hope we can work this out.

Ari's POV

After story time and spending a good 15 minutes crying, we spend the rest of the afternoon going through pictures that lead up until my 17th birthday. After that, Stella said we were too old and didn't need pictures anymore. She had never been loving to me but she was never overly agreesive. I could tell she didn't like me but I never knew why. Even after hearing the story, I have no clue as to why she hated me. You'd think she'd want to hold onto the only part she had left of her mate.

I expected the ride back to Axe's pack to be silent but I was wrong. The events that took place must have slowed down the world because the conversation took hours and I was left with a killer headache.

"Mom. I have a theory."

"And what is that theory my love?"

"That you've been feeling the effects of the mate bond because it was never truly broken." She says and I take a moment to process.

"Elaborate." I say with a bit of command in my voice. I hate to use it, but at the moment I seem to have lost a bit of control to my wolf. I was still angry with myself for using it on my daughter, but she didn't seem to care about my tone.

"I suspect that because he didn't use your official last name, the mate bond was never truly broken. That you're still feeling its effects because it's still there. When you accepted his rejection, the Luna gave you a break from the bond, but did not break the bond itself." She pauses to take a deep breath. "I also believe that you and Cole could form the bond anew if you wanted to."

After that I was silent and got lost in thought. That's what made the car ride seem like it took forever. My thoughts decided to run wild and that's never a good thing. I couldn't help but think that there was a chance to be a real family. To watch our daughter grow up and meet her mate and to help raise our grandchildren. To grow old together, as slowly as it may be. Was there a chance at happiness for us?

These are the thoughts that put me to sleep and the following dream is one that I haven't had in almost 18 years. I awoke in a grassy meadow with the heavenly sky above me and knew that I was in the realm of the goddess.

"Child, you fret too much. I have given you a plan and it was almost ruined once. Don't let it happen again. I gave you a second chance using a small technicality. I want you two together but you have to try to make it work. He's finally grown into the man I wanted him to be. Accept him and grow with him." Luna said, never once coming into my view. After her short speech, I was sent back to my bed. My sudden awakening was shot lived as I was exhausted from the day before and before I could think too much on what the Luna said, I was back asleep for some actual rest.


Hey-O. I know this chapter is late, but I had a very busy week and I have to prep for school to start soon.
This means that the chapters are going to be late more often. I apologize in advance.

Anywho, Thank you for reading, let me know of any mistakes, and, as always...


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