Chapter 13

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Cassie's POV

Training starts today. I get up very early, ready to get this thing started after having been inactive for much too long. I throw on a tank top and pair of men's basketball shorts, because we won't be going extreme today, and head out to the training field. When I get out there, no one else is, which is not unexpected as it's 3 in the morning. I do my warm ups which consist of running two miles,  doing 150 push ups, and and 150 pull ups before taking a break to drink some water and wait for the others. At promptly 5am, everyone who will be training today arrives. Some of the older girl, who are about 16, are in leggings that are almost see through and sports bras that are too tight. The boys who are the same age or a year older are all looking at the girls, some with disgust and some with lust. Everyone quickly shifts their eyes to the field where they see me and a chatter starts among them.

"I thought the greatest warrior their pack had was gonna be here?", "Were is he?",  and "She's hot!' Are just a few of the phrases I catch flittering through the group. Axe must have caught the last one too, because he bristles a little at the  comment and then calls for silence.

"This is the top warrior of the Risen Moon pack of Oregon. Her name is Cassie Mora and you will treat her with the utmost respect. You will follow her instructions as if she were the moon goddess her self. If I find out that any of you disrespected her, you will face punishment. She is a guests and we want to make a good impression." He says raising his brows at everybody. He nods to me and then walks off.

"For starters! IF YOU ARE WEARING SOMETHING THAT IS TOO TIGHT OR SEE THROUGH, YOU WILL GO CHANGE IN THIS INSTANT! WE WILL NOT PROCEED WITHOUT YOU BUT YOU WILL MISS THE INTRODUCTIONS. IM OK WITH LEGGINGS AND SPORTS BRAS TO WORK OUT IN BUT I WANT THEM PROPERLY SIZED OR COVERED WITH A T-SHIRT." I say raising my voice to be heard throughout the crowd. A large group of girls and a few guys go to change and I have everyone else sit down on the grass. The group I have today is gets 11 - 17 and is coed. This means that I'll have to split them up into groups.

"Before we begin on our training, I'm giving you the option to ask me questions, because I know that trust isn't something given off the bat. I want to earn your respect so you can ask me any question while we wait for your peers. I will warn you though, I may give you a short answer." I say and almost immediately, hands go up all around the group. I choose one of the younger girls to go first.

"How old are you?" The 11 year old girl in pigtails asks.

"I am 17. I turn 18 in a month in a half." I say and point to one of the older boys.

"Have you found your mate?" The boy asks, waggling his eyebrows as if to insinuate that he could be my mate.

"Yes." I say and point to the next kid, not missing the look of disappointment on the previous boys face.

"Why haven't you..."  He pauses for a moment and looks to the group of younger's before hesitantly continuing. "...finished the process?"

"I'm rather busy at the moment and I want to be able to give him my full attention. Hopefully things will smooth out soon and I will be able to." I explain and nod to a young boy who has hand up for a while.

"Why did you make them go change?" He asks urging his head like a confused puppy.

"The things they were wearing are not fit for what we're going to be doing today and it would inconvenient for them. It's better that they go change." I say and notice the last group of girls walking out, dressed much more sensible. "Alright, let's hop to it guys. First things first, 10 laps around the field. If you feel like it's hard to breath, you can sit down and get some water, I'll have the Beta bring out a jug, and take a 2 minute breather and then get back to it. GO!" And so it begins.


After I get through the youngers, I go onto the more experienced people and our session is a little shorter than the others. My mom gets back in time to see the last session of the day and after I finish, we all go out to dinner, because Cassandra doesn't want to cook. Luckily, the place wasn't very fancy, because I refuse to wear a dress. Later that night, I stay with my mother in her room and we talk about what she  learned about her father and brother today. She's very excited about everything and getting to meet the real them, but halfway through our conversation she stops and takes a shaky breathe.

"I love you, you know that?" She says pausing to intake another breathe before continuing. "This isn't a physical hurt. I was prepared to be in physical pain being around him, but all I felt was content. It was just the three of us and I couldn't feel anything but happiness at the fact that we were a family. And now that I'm away from him, all I feel is an emotional pain. I can't understand why, I accepted his  rejection but it's as if it never happened at all. Cassie, I don't understand." She says and wraps her arms around me. She hides her face in the crook of my neck and sobs.

All I can do is wrap my arms around her and let her cry. My mother hates not knowing, especially when it's about our lives. I'm also confused but all I can think to do is look to the Luna for wisdom. As my mother falls asleep in my arms, I look towards the moon and send my thoughts to the goddess.

'Give me guidance to help my mother.' I think and close my eyes, laying my mother down on her bed.

I walk to the living room and see my mate looking at the gas fire place that is going for some reason. He looks deep in thought and has a glass of ice tea in his hand. He hasn't shaved in a couple of days and he has a good scruff going on, which I absolutely love. I walk over and sit down beside him, laying my head on his shoulder. He leans his cheek on my head and plants a kiss on the top it, never breaking his concentration.

"How soon do you think it will be before we can tell people?" He asks, rubbing his scruff along my head.

"Soon I hope. I want to be able to kiss you in front of people. I think most of the issues are resolved, except for a slight issue between my mother and father. But that is going to heavily rely on Luna." I say cuddling up next to him a little more.

"Speaking if  kissing,-" he says turning to me so that he can see my face."- may I?"

"Of course." I say and our lips meet without second thought. And that was the perfect way to spend the night. Laughing and being with my mate.


Thank you guys so much for reading! I'm terribly sorry that this chapter is late.
I had a very emotional week and that caused a writers block and a lack of motivation.
I will try to make it up by uploading again tomorrow but I make no promises other than you will get another upload
Before the end of the week. If you see any errors, let me know  and, as always,


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