chapter 3

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Blue eyes of  marwah hashyam 😉 👆

Danish's pov :

Right now I'm waiting with my bodyguards for a girl for whom we are here today.

And to have a little conversation with her . I know even my bodyguards can do such a small kidnapping but this is a uni lots of lots of people are here i don't want to create any scene.

so i came here but this mahotarma (lady) is not at all willing to come out i guess Ahhgg.

I hate waiting for someone even mom and my sis Rushna didn't made me wait for them during there critical shopping hour but this girl is making me go crazy not only this girl.

Not to forget Safi who is continuously talking beside me

Lemme tell you about Safi.

He is one year older than me and my best buddy from childhood also my soon to be brother in law.. yes you guys heard me right this idiot and Rushna somehow felt that they are made for each other without taking any haram decision they decided to get married by our parents grace  now i need to tolerate him more .

Safi is my right hand in my other business. . he also owns many hospitals in this town so you can say he's quite rich too....

Right now he is eating my brain talking about some sports car he's first love are sports car yeah he too much loves sports cars he have many but still desire in him for sports car never ends Allah's knows why...

''Hey boring human being why  are you so serious all the time. why can't you stop being serious once for the sake of allah man"  he said in a annoyed tone but who cares.

''Yeah and you for the sake of Allah stop being childish for once and Safi get down of my car yaar every one are starting at us get down right now ''  i said in a same matching tone as his

He got down of car and said ''They are not staring at us Godzilla they are drooling over this handsome man'' he said indicating himself i rolled my eyes at him..

yeah he's right even he is quite handsome with broad shoulders and fair complexion ...

Again he  started ''yeah yeah roll your eyes as much as you want back you will find your brain their. and look girls are coming out of uni it means she would be coming out any time soon. one more thing don't tell this staring all to your sis she will surely chop my brain who would  mess with Danish khan's sis hufff " he said trying to act as scared . Drama Queen i thought in my mind .

My eyes shifted towards the uni gate i was busy trying to find who would be that girl but suddenly my eyes saw a mixture of light blue eyed girl coming outside of uni the first word come to me was MASHALLAH.

I was astonished to see those eyes then i realized I'm starting at her  i lowered my eyes and mumbled Astagfirullah

I know I'm not that good Muslim but atleast i try to avoid all this haram things really i do but right now i just wish from this thousands of girls this blue eyed girl should not be the one  for whom we came hear i just hope so...

Marwah's pov:

Again boring classes and lectures so finally i can go home now but this cold didn't let me concentrate in any lectures today

Its getting hard for me to breathe to i think I'm gonna be sick again ahhhg not again man i hate cold...

I said goodbye to my friends and retired towards the bus station .

Today i have to take a bus to go home so here I'm waiting but there is no sign of any buses.

Idon't know why suddenly a thought came into my mind what if i got kidnapped.? it would be amazing naa.

you guys must be thinking I'm mad who wants get kidnapped but yaar I'm sick of this boring daily life i want some drama and thrill in my life like others too...

I again thought no i can't live without my parents so i drop this idea from my mind .... wahh the weather is so chilly off course it will because its a rainy season.

I was thinking this than suddenly a bus appeared in front of me without thinking i got into the bus and it started.

Than i noticed there are no ladies in this bus something is wrong  i think something bad is gonna happen with me now my sixth sense is saying.

Save me Allah i was praying silently.

I don't know from were i felt a pinch on my arm and i know this kind of pinch its some kind of injection which has been injected to me right now .....

Uff i slowly started to feel dizzy my eye sight became blur than what...

Darkness consumed me ...

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