Chapter 23 Beginning a war

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This chapter is mostly Jax's POV. I'll still put the caption just in case. Enjoy :)

Jax's POV

"Alpha Liam." I extended my hand.

"Alpha Jaxon." He shook my hand.

"Welcome to Golden Blood Pack."

"Pleasure to be here."

"Please, take a seat."

I sat down with Amelia and Tyler by my side.

"This my sister Amelia and her mate, Gamma Tyler."

"Very well. So I believe you have heard my future beta ha seen kidnapped."

"Yes. What do you intend to do about that?"

"Well, we have analysed the paper the kidnapper left."

"May I see it?"


He passed me the paper.

Your future beta is in my hands. Beware of his sister. She's the one I want. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. This means war Jaxon.

I crushed the paper and threw it to the side of the room.

"What have you found out."

"Well, the kidnapper isn't really smart. He has left a scent on the paper and his fingerprint. "

"Exactly. He wants us to find him. But what does it mean by war?"

"No disrespect Alpha Jaxon. But do you maybe have any enemies or your mate's?"

"Well, I don't. But Scarlett, I'm not so sure. Can you call Isabelle?"

He nodded.

Few minutes,

Isabelle came in.

"Alpha, and Alpha Jaxon."

"Hello Isabelle." I said.

She smiled.

"Isabelle, come sit down."

She sat down.

"Isabelle, does Scarlett have any enemy?"

"Other than Jordan?"


"No. She doesn't. She's considered a powerful wolf in the rouge world. I wouldn't really be surprised if wolves wants her head off. But she has stopped being rouge for some time, so it would be a shock if a rouge had kidnapped Damian in order to get to her."


"I see."

"However Alpha, did Scarlett defeat anyone recently? Like an alpha or beta?"


"Uh, before I tell you, is everyone you brought trustful?"

"This is my sister and her mate, who is my gamma."

"Okay. Scarlett has been a very competitive person. Especially if she's battling a alpha or beta anyone highly ranked. She tends to use her golden eyes to beat them. What she doesn't know is that if she uses her power to defeat them, her wolf sends the family of the person a strong negative energy. Her wolf is actually telling them to never mess with her again or they too, will get hurt. The family emembrs then feels the pain the person is feeling till the person heals. The negative energy is so powerful the family members is able to see her as a demon and will do whatever it takes to kill Scarlett. Since she was a rouge, it never happens. But this only happens to anyone high ranked, depends on what Scarlett's wolf says. If she says he is a threat, she will send him a message."

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