5. Misunderstanding

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The next morning

I had quite a decent sleep the previous night, which was why I wondered why I had still woken up so early the next day. Quite weird if you asked me. Still, since I obviously wasn't planning to go back to sleep any time soon, I decided to go for a run.

I ran in my human form and just kept going as if there was no destination. It was freedom. Feeling free to roam wherever I want, with no one telling me what to do.

And after a good 3+ hours later, I came back literally drenched in sweat and the smell of nature (if that makes sense lol) surrounding me.

And woohoo, the first person to greet me was the one person I hoped I wouldn't see today. As usual, he had a grumpy look on his face, clearly unhappy to see me. 

"Where have you been?"He questioned me.

"Running? What else do you think I would be doing." I wiped off some of my sweat that was still dripping profusely. Gosh, can this convo end quickly? I need a shower. 

"Who gave you permission?"

"No one."

"Then why did you go out?!"

"I'm sorry?"

"Never ever leave this house unless you're told so, is that clear"

"Yes, Alpha." I acknowledged.

I didn't bother to wait for his response before brushing past him while looking down. Was this how mates treat their mates? A controlling one? 

Trying to leave that thought outside my mind, I tried to look forward to that warm snuggly shower I was about to have. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as I went up the stairs. After I entered my room, I decided to call my brother. As if he was waiting for my phone call, he picked up almost immediately.


"Uh, the first thing is, if I was indeed captured, how the fuck would I be able to call you so easily? And the second thing, I couldn't call you just yet, that's why." 

"Was "I'll call you later" 3 days ago called later?!"

"My god you worry too much. I'm fine, chill out."

"Fine fine. So what did you want to tell me the other day?"

"I uh...found my mate."

"Really?! Who is it?!"

"Alpha Jax."


"Yeah, crazy right? Life here...isn't really the best right now."

"Wait like...that alpha from Silver Moon?"

"Yes bro. Who else would I refer to Alpha Jax hm? That old bald dude Jax from Jade pack?"

"Tsk, I just wanted to confirm alright. And what do you mean life isn't the best? Don't tell me he's hurting you or something. Cause if that's true imma-"

"No no. Not uh... physically. I just uh..how do you say? I uhm, just thought an alpha would treat his mate a bit, you know...differently. Because from what I've experienced, he's just treating me like a pack member." 

"Oh, when I get my hands on that little shit he is so gonna-"

"My gosh for the second thing, chill Damian."

"Look sis, I just don't want you to get hurt. Mates...should have been the most wonderful thing you'll ever experience. And the fact you are stuck with a bastard like him..I just don't feel secure with you being there. You're at his territory are you not?"

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