The Language of Soccer

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I sat in the car with my mom in silence. She wasn’t shocked that I had refused to speak to my therapist. She was worried though. I stared blankly at my phone. How was it that I was able to cry in front of a guy who was a complete douche to me, yet I couldn’t in front of anyone else? My thumb hovered over the send button, debating whether I should send this or not. I need a break. A running break. But I didn’t want to go alone again and have a repeat of this morning. I pressed the send button.


“Hey, you ready to go?” Bryce asked, stretching his legs.

“Yeah.” I said doing the same.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked raising his eyebrow.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied, “Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know you just seem… sad.” He said.

Wow, is it that obvious? “I’m just recovering from the cold I had. I’m fine.”

He looked at me, and by his expression, he knew I was lying. I bit my lip nervously, before sprinting off. Bryce ran off after me. We ran side by side for a couple minutes before he spoke. “So…”


“Well, I don’t want this sound at all weird.”


“Well, I figured since we’re trying to make this work, maybe we should also try to get to know each other. It seems like the only thing I really know about you is your name, that you love soccer, doughnuts and coffee.” He told me.

“Well what do you want to know?” I asked, picking up speed slightly.

Bryce kept up, “Ummm, I don’t know… What’s your favorite color?”

“Seriously?” I chuckled. He just shrugged. “Umm, well I like the color blue.”


“Why do you sound so shocked..?”

“Well, you’re like the only girl I know who doesn’t like pink or purple.”

“Is that bad?”

“No. It’s nice.” He smiled.

“Alright my turn! What’s your favorite color?” I asked.


“That’s cool.” I said.

“My turn. Umm-“

“How about we just talk about soccer?” I suggested.

I noticed him relax and smile. “Alright, who’s your favorite soccer player?”

“American men or women’s team?”

“Either or.” He said, as we turned the corner and ran down a new street.

“Well, I personally used to idolize Mia Hamm. But Hope Solo is also awesome. Have you seen either of them play?” I asked.

“Well, I’ve seen Hope Solo play once. But I don’t watch many women’s games.”

“I understand. Who’s you’re favorite soccer player?”

“Honestly? Landon Donovan. He’s scored 57 goals so far in is 12 year career. A lot better than everyone else on the team.” He said.

“Abby Wambach has scored 3 times as much as that!” I pointed out.

Bryce chuckled and shook his head.

“What?” I asked. Was he laughing because I was wrong? I went through in my head what I knew about Abby… No I’m right. Abby has scored about 161 goals.

“Nothing, its just fun to talk to a girl who actually knows her way around soccer. All the other girls just stared at me like I’m speaking a foreign language or something.” He admitted.

“Well, soccer may be a foreign language. But it's a language that we’re both a fluent in.” 

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