Awkward Goodbyes

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I quickly scooted to the other side of the sofa, and smiled innocently to my mother. But there was no fooling her. She rose her eyebrow in suspicion, "Summer, may I have a word with you. In private." She asked, eyeing Bryce and I. I bit my lip, nervous at what my mom was going to say. Would she yell at me? No... Mom never yells at me... But I guess there's a first time for everything...

"Summer Lorie Gerlds! Who gave you permission to have a boy in the house?! WITHOUT adult supervision?!" she questioned in a loud whisper.

"Mom, he was just bringing me my makeup assignments!" I argued.

She eyed me questionably, "I don't care why he's here! He's here, in the house with you. Alone!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, overly embarrassed at the situation I was in. "Mom, I swear we weren't doing anything of bad nature. He brought over my homework, and we were making conversation about soccer." I said truthfully. Well not the full truth, but defiantly not a lie. My mom peaked around the corner, noticing the stack of books and papers on the table.

"Alright, I believe you. But I don't ever want you to have a boy in the house unless I'm here!"

"Fine mom!" I said. I walked back into the living room and noticed Bryce was sitting the uncomfortably looking around.

"Sorry about that. My name is Candice Gerlds. I'm Summer's mother. And you are..?" My mom said, reaching out her had towards Bryce. He stood up and respectfully shook her hand. "Bryce. Bryce Cavanaugh."

"Nice to meet you Bryce." My mom said. She let go of his hand and walked into the kitchen, watching us carefully.

Bryce ran a hand through his hair.

"Well thanks for dropping my stuff off." I said, indicating that he should leave.

He understood. "No problem."

I lead him to the door. I was actually kinda upset he was leaving. I was enjoying his company for once...

I opened the door and he stepped out. I stepped out with him and shut the door behind me. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble." Bryce said.

"Don't worry, you didn't." I told him, leaning against the door.

He smiled and relaxed slightly at my response, "That's good."

We stood there in silence for a few moments. "Bryce..." I started.

He looked at me, "Yeah?"

"Thanks for today. Bringing me my homework, doughnuts and coffee. It honestly made my crappy day better." I said honestly.

"Well, that's all I hoped for. So I guess I'll see you Monday?"

"Hopefully, if I'm not sick."

"Well, you better get better, okay? Or else I'm going to come over and make you better."

"Oh really?" I asked, raising my eyebrow and grinning flirtatiously.

"Hell yeah. You've ditched me for 2 days already. I won't let you get away with a third." He teased.

I laughed at our conversation, as did he. This could be an awesome friendship if we gave it a shot.

"Well, I guess I better go inside before my mother freaks out again."

"Alright. Oh, before I forget-" he reached into his back pocket and handed me a paper. I unfold it and see that there's a number on it.

"If your mom lets you out tomorrow, text me. Maybe we can go running or something?" he said.

"Yeah... I'd like that." I said with a smile.

He returned my smile, "Okay, well I'll see ya later then soph-y." He said teasingly. I wasn't mad he called me soph-y, cause it wasn't used like he normally uses it. It was just there, no true meaning behind it. Just a simple title.

"Alright, see ya Junior." I said back.

I saw Bryce move his arms slightly for a hug, but dropped them. It was so fast, I nearly missed it. We hesitated not knowing what to do.

Finally, I just raised my hand and waved.

He looked slightly disappointed, but waved back anyways. I quickly opened my door, and shut it behind me. I leaned against it and smiled to myself.

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