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The Courts
"Girl it's about time you made up your mind, I thought you'd never show" Monica said looking into her compact mirror.

"Too much stress going on in my house, I need this" I said looking around. The basketball court was packed tonight, music blasting, girls twerking on people they probably don't know. It was lit.

"Ooh girl this my song!" Monica said grabbing my hand into the chaos. People had their phones pulled out and shit recording what's going on.

15 minutes past me and Monica stand by the gate criticizing the outfits people are wearing. "Girl you see her, who told her it was okay to leave the house like that."

I just bursted out laughing, I swear this girl crazy. "Ooh looks like someone sees something they like" she said pointing to Cain, the neighborhood "thug"

"He cute, I guess" I said giving him a glance. "Girl you should go talk to him", "Mm, nah I already have enough thug tomfoolery in my life. I don't need anymore"

She just eyed me and looked over again. "Fine then, I'll go talk to him" she said, "have fun" I said letting out a chuckle.I watched as she walked over to Cain and his little group of friends.

I can not believe this girl is really gonna do this, something in me was telling me to go get her but it was too late when I saw her walking back.

"Well?", "he said that he'll call when the party's over" she said with a big smile on her face. "Do you really think he'll call you" I said raising my eyebrow. "Mm, I'm sure he will" she said crossing her arms.

"Girl isn't that your sister over there?" Monica asked motioning to a disruption going on. I looked and saw a two boys going at it with each other, I squinted a little and saw Mariana pulling on one of them.

'Aw jeez" I thought to myself. Just when I was having a good time this bitch gotta get herself into something. "Should we go help her" Monica asked. Though it sounded like a reasonable thing to do I REALLY didn't want to get involved.

Before I could think of my next move ol' boy slapped my sister in the face. "Oh shit" I said under my breath and next thing I knew I'm running through like a track star.

After my hand came in contact with ol' boy's face and the brawl began.

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