made with fear...

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~Blakes POV~

"So here's the game plan..."

"Wait? Isnt a game plan for sports?" Claire interrupted.
"Well yeah but-"

"Just get to the plan!" She yelled.

"Okay, the plan is, we sneak into the the hotel... And try to find where she is, before they show her identity!" I explained. She looked at me dumbfounded, she didn't look at me with amazement... She looked at me like I was a idiot...

"Really, that's your plan?!" She yelled, throwing her hands up in the air for exaggeration.

"Yeah, that's all I could come up with and to simple!" I defended.
She slapped her hand on her forehead.

"I Hope we don't get caught!" She pointed out.

We were driving my car, following the tracker. I was wearing a ski mask, with a black sweater and sweat pants.
And I handed Claire a ski mask but she refused to put it on.
But I forced it on anyway.

"This mask freakin stinks!" She screamed. Witch made me jump in surprise. "It stinks for a reason!" I retorted.

"Are you saying I stink!?"

"Well you breath does smell..." I said under my breath.

"I heard that!" She screamed.
I stopped the car because, we were at the hotel...

"We're here..."

The thought of Rebecca being in a spooky place like this, is a very horrible thought. Because there was two guards at the door to block the doorway. And a street lamp was actually glitching. Also the wind was hitting the car...
It look like a scene straight out of a horror movie! I saw the look on Claire's face and it was mare with fear.

I was made with fear...

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