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For two days, two days my Neighbor was out. She said that she'll be with her folks.

So for two days now, I haven't done anything productive.

Sam invited me to another party but I politely declined as I was worried Kate might be there.

I don't think I am ready to see her again, I still have weeks to prepare myself before I go to school and see her face every day.

I just hope that we don't have a class together, otherwise it'll be torture.

I know for sure that I don't have feelings for her anymore, it is long gone. And maybe the reason why I don't even want to see her was, she broke my heart, I guess? I mean, I was humiliated.

And now that she's back, she's acting like nothing happened. Showing off her new self.

But come to think of it, was I really in love with her? Or was it just, that I was in love with the idea of being in love? Or maybe I was just infatuated with her?

Anyway, whatever it is, I'm done with her.

Most of my thoughts now are occupied by one particular person, the girl next door.

Whenever I was with her was one of my happy days. Even though we were just watching TV and not talking was enough for me.

Every time I cooked for her and she was happy with it, my heart felt like it was growing.

My skin's burning under her touch, her smile and laugh melting my heart out.

It was more than I felt from Kate. Emma makes me genuinely happy. And I wanted to do the same for her.

But unfortunately, that will never happen.

For one, she is definitely straight. Next, she's an adult and I'm a minor.

Maybe I should stop going there, I'm afraid this crush will turn into something more and before I know it, I'll do something stupid that I may regret for the rest of my life.

I almost jump off my couch when I heard my phone, damn I must be thinking deeply.

I'm home, come over if you want. 

Automatically, a smile formed on my lips. I grabbed my face and jaw,

No, don't smile idiot! My mind shouted. I was in that position when my Mom came to me and laughed.

"My dear, you're not possessed, are you?" She was trying not to laugh so loud as my Dad was sleeping.

"Mom!" I ran to my bedroom with my face so red with embarrassment.

How come I didn't hear her coming? I know she's home and my Dad as today is Sunday.

I looked at the time, it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

I almost forgot the text I received from my neighbor because of my Mom. I took out my phone in my pocket and looked at the message again. This time I didn't grab my face to stop myself from smiling.

I went out of my room very quietly, I didn't want my Mom to see me going outside. She might tease me again. I peeked in the living room, it was clear. I ran as fast as I could when I saw that my Mom wasn't there.

As soon as I went out I felt relieved. I let myself relax for a few seconds before I go to Emma's place.

I rang the bell twice and nobody answered the door, I thought she was home.

I turned the doorknob and was surprised that it wasn't locked, how could she leave her door unlocked like that, she could get robbed.

I went inside and scanned the living room even the kitchen, she wasn't there.

I walked towards her room and the door was open, I peeked inside, and there she was half naked, I took a sharp intake of breath when I realized that. Her back was on me and I could clearly see her behind with her short shorts that didn't cover much and wearing only a bra.

I swear I wasn't breathing, afraid I would make a noise and she would hear me.

She was ransacking her closet maybe trying to find something to wear.

Damn! I never thought I'd see her semi-naked this way, her waist was so small, and her hips and thighs, ohh dear lord!

Before I could even turn my back and just wait for her in the living room, she straightened up and was ready to wear the shirt she chose when she turned around and her eyes met mine.

She jumped as if she had seen a ghost and her scream almost made me pee on myself.

"Shit Jen, you scared the hell out of me!" She yelled at me and I don't think she realized that with her facing me I could see her chest, though she's wearing a bra but still.

We stood like that for a few seconds, staring at each other when my gaze shifted down her chest, I might have been staring for like 2 seconds when I heard her cough and my gaze automatically jumped up to her face. Her cheeks were so red realizing that she was still half naked, she tried to cover herself quickly.

I looked away giving her time to wear her clothes. Also, I gave myself time to compose a sentence on what to say to her now.

In my peripheral vision, I can see that she's done dressing herself but still, she was just standing there, waiting for me to speak, I guess?

"How long have you been standing there?"

Enough to see YOU. My mind says. Looking at her, she's still flushed, her cheeks are still red and she can't even look at me straight.

"Not long, I just came actually." I decided to lie, maybe teasing is not good right now.

"Oh Okay." She brushed it off.

"Have you had lunch already?" she walked towards the kitchen and I followed her.

"I brought lasagna, my Mom cooked it." She opened the fridge and took out the tray.

"Well, I did already but I wanted to try it." I sat on the stool and watched her prepare a piece for me and reheat it in the microwave. It's awkward. I swear it is.

"So, how's everything? I mean your vacation." Tried to start a conversation but I gathered that she was not planning to. Her face lit up a bit and a small smile formed on her lips.

"It was really good. I never thought I missed my Mom that much until I saw her." She was really happy, that's for sure.

For the next 20 minutes, she was telling me everything that happened there, as if I was with her for those 2 whole days.

It made me smile, not the stories but the way she told it, it was like a 2 months vacation. She was so excited and just happy. She must've missed her parents so much. And I'm sure, 2 days wasn't enough.


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

My girl NeighborDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora