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I was staring at her intently to see if she was serious or just messing with me.

"So?" She's being impatient.

"No, I don't have." Neither did a Girlfriend. I wanted to add.

"But, are you dating?"

"If you mean by dating is, cooking every night for that person then hanging around then finally sleeping in her bed, yeah. I am definitely dating." I could not hold my laughter anymore when I felt her slapping my arm.

"Okay, Stop! Stop! You're hurting me again." I still could not contain my laughter and she was bright red.

"I'm not dating anybody at the moment, Em."

"See? Is it hard to say?" She finally stopped slapping my arm and straightened her body. I felt empty when she let go of my waist, what is happening to me?

"Well, I just thought that me hanging around every night here at your place would be my tell, you know?"

"You said, at the moment?" She turned her head to face me and gave me a questioning look.

"So, you've dated before?"

"Emma, I'm not a kid."

"I know, it's just that, I cannot imagine you dating, that's all. She put her arms around me again and I hope this time she won't let go.

"How about you?"

"Hmm, yeah. I've dated before, like lots of time but it's just it, one worse date than the other."

I'm looking at her in disbelief. Who are these guys she dated, I mean, are they blind? Or better, are they stupid? Who would have dated her and not taken her seriously? She's close to perfection, yeah I know I may be exaggerating but still.

"You'll find someone, Em. Maybe not now, but you will in time."

"Really? You're lecturing me about love? What do you even know about it, you're a kid."

"Well, for your information, I've been brokenhearted, that's how I know."

My mouth formed an Oh and was really shocked that I told her that. I must've carried away or got provoked by her calling me a kid.

Before I could even take it back she spoke.

"And now I am intrigued. Do tell."

I could see the interest in her big hazel eyes and the fact that she grabbed my arm so firmly that I felt like she would squeeze the story out of me, I thought I had no way to run.

But, I don't feel like telling it to her now.

"Em, it's late. Let's sleep already."

"Na-uhh. You're not going away with this."

"Emma! Seriously."

"Yeah, seriously Jen, I wanna know."

I stopped for a sec still thinking how to get away with this topic.

"I will tell you, Em. But not now."

I tried to be more serious, to let her know that I'm not ready yet to tell my story and she must've sensed it and decided to let it go.

"Okay, for now. But I really wanted to know."

I smiled at her and pecked her on the cheeks.

"Goodnight, Em."

Goodnight, Jen."

And just that, I wrapped my arms around her waist as well and we slept the whole night like that.


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