Chapter Ten

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Seth was unsure why the Cullens had called him to their home. He knew that Alice had taken Ella to Seattle so she would not be there. He knew it must mean there was something off with Ella, and although Leah assured him that the Cullen's were being cautious, as a powerful vampire, that they knew nothing about was living in their home. Seth could not help the growing anguish in his stomach. With his sister and Alpha by his side, he was as ready as he could ever be.

The Cullen's had gathered in their living room, watching and waiting. Over the years Seth had become friends with the Cullens but when they sat there all quiet and unmoving it unnerved him.

"Welcome. come and sit down", said Esme in a motherly tone.

Seth liked how Esme treated them like they were all her children. It made him feel more comfortable around the family. The three of them sat on the couch opposite the vampires.

For the last few years, Seth had felt comfortable in the Cullen's home. But today even a stranger would sense the tension in the air. Imprints are important to the pack and they were here to discuss his. To decide what the best thing to do would be. Seth hated it. It made him feel helpless. He had the people around him dictating what would happen to his imprint, he wanted to take control and just tell her. He wanted to welcome her into his life and get to know her. But Seth did not know what to do, his imprint could be a bloodsucking monster and truth be told he was scared she would reject their bond and leave him forever. So he let them sit there and discuss her fate.

"H-ho-how is she adjusting to this century", stuttered Seth.

"Almost too well", replied Rosalie. Though she had found a friend within Ella, her calmness and how well she accepts the reality of the future unnerved her.

"She seems to be absorbing all the information around her like a sponge. I gave her some history books to read and I think she ignores the technology around her", added Carlisle. He knew that saying anything other then she was doing good would upset Seth, he was still very young and Carlisle was impressed with how he was handling this situation.

"She's a very good artist Seth", exclaimed Bella suddenly. She had always liked Seth and it was making her feel powerless to see such a happy person act so reserved. The moment she spoke, his head snapped up. Finally, he was finding out who his imprint really was. "She asked for charcoal and paper her first day here actually. I'll get the ones she let us see", continued Bella. She sped off up the staircase and out of site.

"The ones she let you see", asked Leah curiously.

"She asked for more before she left but as far as we shes only used half of it but we haven't looked for them either", answered Esme.

Bella sped back with a pile of paper in her hands. She walked over to Seth and placed them in his hands. They were beautiful drawings of people, so detailed they looked like black and white photos.

"She wrote their names in runes", commented Esme.

"Names to go with her stories", added Renesmee.

The first picture was of a girl that looked like a teenager. Her light coloured hair was held back from her face in a complicated updo. And though the picture only showed her from the shoulders up, Seth could see parts of- what he assumed, an elaborate gown. The girl was very beautiful. Under the drawing, Seth could see the runes Ella had used to spell the girl's name and at the bottom of the page in Bella's handwriting was the name, Rebekah. Ella's half-sister.

Seth wasn't sure what he imagined when he thought of Ella's family but as he flicked through the first six pages he was meet with the faces of all six of Ella's siblings. She looked so much like the one called Niklaus as they were twins, but she did not look closely related to the others. If Seth would have had to guess he would say she was their cousin, as they all shared features (including Niklaus) that Ella did not have. Her eyes were not as wide as her sisters and her cheekbones were lower than all her brothers.

The seventh picture was named Katarina in loopy handwriting. Her name had not needed translating. And the eighth was Emily.

"Why would she draw them", questioned Leah. She was not answered.

"What I want to know is what Emily did to Ella. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her", said Carlisle.

"Would it be bad if nothing was wrong with her", asked Seth helplessly.

"I would feel safer if we knew what the curse was. It might not do anything to her but to the people around her", declared Rosalie.

"Couldn't you just ask her. She told us it made her ill", said Jacob suddenly joining the conversation.

"We got only a black look in return", replied Bella.

"Did she not even think about it", Leah asked Edward.

"Ever since she found out I could read minds she has closed her mind off. It's like a bad radio signal, sometimes words phrases make it through but not enough to know what she is thinking". The information took Seth by surprise, he did not expect his imprint to be able to resist the powers of the other vamps.

"What do we do then", asked Leah. 

"We'll have to confront her", answered Bella.

"I'll ask her. If she gets hounded she might not even talk", said Seth. This would be his chance to be alone with his imprint. He would take any chance he could get...


I changed the Title of the story! I hope you all like it. This chapter took a while but here it is. :)

Eleanora MikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang