Chapter Seven

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later that day...

"Nessie showed me what went down between Edward and Eleanora. I don't think it was anything to worry about. But I really do wonder what a gal-sneaker is and what gas pipes are", said Jacob. He, Leah, Seth, Sam, Jared and Paul had all met at Emily's house to discuss their earlier encounters with Ella.

"So she speaks victorian English and doesn't like Edward. There is one thing we have in common with her, guess what it is", said Paul.

"Shut it", snapped Seth. It surprised the group. Seth was never the person to seek out fights or cause tension between the groups, but Paul was talking about his imprint. Not the smartest move.

"Now is not the time Paul. We know nothing about her don't make things harder", reasoned Sam.

"Exactly we know NOTHING about her. She might decide to just kill half the town on her way here", growled Paul.

"You don't know that", snarled Seth, glaring at Paul.

"How about you all calm down", said Leah irritably.

"I say that inviting her a good idea. Someone can follow her to make sure she doesn't do anything we don't want. But I don't think she will. She seemed very curious about us. That alone would make her think twice before doing anything", she finished.

"We have invited her, someone can escort her to the bonfire and then after the bonfire we will meet decide whether she is a threat or not and if she could be a threat how could we change that", said Jacob.


The vampire Bella had lent Ella some of her clothes as she was only 2 inches taller than Ella. She had to roll the bottoms of the jeans up and the sweater she had been lent scratched her skin. Ella was not used to this type of clothing. Its tightness and how it showed off her figure made her feel insecure. Never in her long life had she worn clothes so revealing.

The young vampire human hybrid Renesmee stood with her outside the Cullens home. Ella wasn't sure what to make of the girl nicknamed Nessie. She was quiet, choosing often to show with her gift over talking. Though Ella found that her gift would be useful in the correct situation, she wondered if Nessie would be able to somehow change what she saw. If she could it would make her the most untrustworthy being yet. But Ella did not believe her to be so. Everyone around her seemed to not care what Nessie heard or saw. This made Ella believe that the family had not faced a terrible fight that would rip them apart. She wondered if such a fight did happen if they would be able to repair the bond.

"You're cold", stated Nessie. Ella jumped she had not believed the girl would speak to her. But she was right Ella was cold. The cold ones could not feel the cold so they had not given winter clothes to Ella for her to wear, but admitting a weakness to this girl she would not do.

"Breaking your vow of silence are you", she responded.

"You are cold. I knew it. I'm sure Mum wouldn't mind lending you another jacket to wear", Nessie said.

"I'm fine. A little cold never hurt anyone. I do believe that next time I go out your Aunt will be waiting at the door with a warm coat. She is all knowing that one", laughed Ella. Nessie giggled.

At the moment Jacob and Seth arrived in Jacob's car and began the walk up the drive. With their excellent hearing, the boys could hear their conversation miles back. Seth felt happy his imprint had just shown that she has a soft side. If she showed the pack that side then they would accept her they would have to. They did not like it when Jacob had imprinted on Nessie but she was a baby and had not killed anything. On the other hand, Ella was a thousand-year-old vampire she must have killed many. Seth hoped that she would not kill again if she did Seth did not know what would do but he couldn't let it happen.

But in the meantime, Seth had come up with a plan he hoped would woo her. Jacob thought it was stupid but his imprint was born in this century.

Walking up her Seth felt incredibly nervous. What if Jacob was right and it was stupid. Swallowing his doubts Seth stood in front of Ella.

"Good evening m'lady. Would you care to accompany me to the bonfire", he asked.

"why sir I'd be honoured", Ella replied smiling. She held her elbow out and hesitantly Seth linked their arms and they walked off leaving Jacob and Nessie outside the house.

"That went so much better than I thought it would", Jacob told Nessie.

"I think you underestimated him. He imprinted on her they are kindred souls", said Nessie wisely and then they too walked to Jacobs car.


The bonfire was on First beach. It was a small beach surrounded by large boulders sticking up in the sand. The bonfire itself was bright warm and inviting. Large fallen logs had been placed in a circle around it. Sitting on the logs were many other Shapeshifters (Ella assumed) and some family members. They all shared russet skin and dark hair. It made Ella feel like an intruder. Like she was witnessing something made for the eyes of only a close-knit family. It made her glad that Nessie was with her, she wouldn't be the only vampire.

"Come on", said Seth. Ella followed him taking a seat in between him and his sister Leah. After she sat down Seth started to point out who the other people were. "Over there is Sam and his wife Emily. Next to him is his Beta Jared and his partner Kim".

"Partner", asked Ella.

"She wanted to finish her degree before getting engaged", said Leah jumping in. She could not believe how stupid Seth had been. Even she knew that being together and not being married would be so scandalous in the time Ella last remembered.

"Why would she need to have a degree", Ella frowned. Women (apart from a very few) did not go to college and get degrees.

"Men realised women were just as good as their jobs as they were so now women make up a big part of the workforce", answered Leah hoping that Ella would like her feminist answer.

"About time. It's tiring only seeing women shine from the shadows".

"Listen up everyone, it's time to start the stories", called a tribe elder...

word definitions

gal-sneaker: a man devoted to seduction

gas-pipes: especially tight pants.

Authors note:

To avoid confusion Bella is 5,4 (My information is from Wikia) making Ella 5,2. If anyone else has only just realised Ella and Bella rhyme, so have I, oops. I know I said Ella would find out about imprints in this chapter but I want to make all my chapters a similar length and I feel if in I included that part the next chapter might be too short. Ella will find out about Imprints next time.

Also, I am continuously updating this story this week because I am procrastinating from doing my homework as it is school holidays for me right now. Term 3 starts next week so updates will drop off but until then many updates might follow after I finish writing them. Input and feedback is welcome hope you enjoy!

Eleanora MikaelsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora