Chapter 5

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I and Faith turned to face the front of the class where a teacher and a student stood. The student looked and felt familiar but I couldn't place his face.

"Good afternoon students." The teacher said while we all replied with a chorused, "Good afternoon sir."

"This boy is here to address you; I want you to listen attentively and if you have any question. Ask him when he is done." The teacher said, pointing to the boy he came with.

"Thank you, sir. Good morning class." The boy started as we murmured a less enthusiastic, "Good morning."

He smiled as if expecting us to reply that way before going on.

"I do not want to take much of your time so I would like to go straight to the point.

My name is John Wellington, I am the spokesman for S.R.C whose full meaning is student representative council. I know most of us must have heard of it, right?" He asked.

Some students nodded, some said yes and some didn't reply like me. He nodded and continued after taking in our response.

"Anyways, I have been chosen to come and introduce this group to you. S.R.C is a group that fights for the rights of the students, we want what is best for ourselves and we want to be able to protect ourselves against corrupt teachers.

Let's take for instance, a teacher misses class two times in a row. He or she will be called to know why he isn't coming to teach. Another instance is maybe there is a young girl that a particular teacher is molesting but is unable to speak up because the teacher threatens to fail her.

She can walk up to us and we will help her discreetly, while also making sure such teacher is punished.

A thorough investigation will take place of course, because she could also be lying but if the teacher is found guilty as charged. He or she will not only be punished but will also be sacked because the

members' decisions are respected when they have concrete evidence.

So, if you are interested in joining this group, please write down your names on the sheet of paper I am going to start passing around now. Or, if you need more information, there will be a meeting at SSS2 A science immediately after school. It's the first-class on the year 2 science block.

Thank you for your time." He concluded as he collected the list and made to leave but suddenly, he turned back and waved at me.

I waved back at him, confused since I dont remember meeting or knowing him. I turn to Faith, about to ask her if she knew the guy but, she beat me to it.

"Don't you remember that guy?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No, I don't." I replied.

"You don't!!" she exclaimed, looking surprised.

"No, I don't. Who is he?" I asked indifferently, she had a thing for being dramatic.

"He was the guy you spilled your drink on the day we did our registration." She replied, reminding me.

"Ooh, ooh, okay. No wonder he looked familiar." I mused aloud.

"He is so handsome and manly." Faith said with a dreamy look on her face while I just looked at her weirdly. Shaking my head, I hissed.

"Why is this one hissing now?" She asked.

"I hissed because you never fail to amaze me." I said as they rang the bell for closing time.

"Yes, finally!" She screamed as I cover my ears with my palms, shaking my head at her.

"So, are you observing Jumah at school or the mosque down our street." Faith asked me.

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