Chapter 2

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Faith's house was not far from the school, it was just an eight-minute walking distance and though mine was a bit farther, we walked home together every day after school. it was always the best time for us to gist, catch up and the eight minutes walk sometimes stretch to fifteen minutes.

"So, how is mum?" I asked her, hoping to hear she is getting better.

"She is getting better but the doctor says she still needs a lot of proper care and rest, I was thankfully spared the boring detail by my dad." she replied, joking at the last bit to make things lighter. That was just how she was, she was the kind of person that would joke with her death to make people feel better.

"She will be fine." I replied her.

"Amen." she said slowing down as we got to her house.

Faith was one of the few rich kids I have met whom most times dont act like one. She was respectful, polite, nice, and down to earth. Hence, it should have never been a surprise that her house was very massive. Yet, I have never been able to get over my amazement ever since I went over to her house for the first time.

I had always wondered about the amount of money that would have been used to construct such a mini-mansion. From the exterior, it looked like a mansion because it was big and a bit tall with flowers decorating the surroundings but once you get inside, it looks like a small condo because it feels so cozy and family-like.

"Will you like to come inside?" She asked, interrupting my thought as she clicked on the doorbell beside the big fine gate protecting little of the house from view.

"Yes, I would have loved to but I have some stuff I need to do at home before my mum gets back." I said to her, declining her offer.

"No problem, see you tomorrow." she said pulling me into a hug just as Adamu; their gateman opened the gate.

"Good afternoon small oga. he greeted Faith before turning to greet me.

"Good afternoon Itan." he said, giving me a big smile.

"Good afternoon, how are you sir? I asked him, giving him a small smile in return.

Im fine my dear. He said cheerfully, chewing something I am positive is kola.

"That good to hear." I said before saying my goodbyes to Faith.

"Bye." she waved as she entered her compound.

Walking the remaining seven minutes walk to my house, I entered a bit short of breath due to the hot sun which unsurprisingly wasnt feeling extremely generous. I breathe a silent sigh of relief as I got to the door fantasizing about the cold water I would take once I get inside. I check under the foot mat for the house key but was surprised not to find it there. Wondering who was home, I knocked on the door.

I was surprised to see my sister open the door. Screaming, I rushed to hug her.

"Sister Temi!!!" I said excitedly.

"When did you get home?" I asked her as I released her from the hug, freeing my arms that were around her.

"This morning, how are you doing?" she asked, a big smile on my face as she released her arms around me.

"I am fine ooh." I said to her as we walked in.

"Haaa, senior girl. I see you have started wearing a long-sleeved shirt and waistcoat." she said, a big smile still on her face.

"Yes ooh, I am now a senior." I replied her smugly, feeling super proud of myself.

"Its not easy." she said, teasing me.

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