Part 13

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The carriages stopped right at the foot of the flight of steps. Blair must have realised how tense I was as she discretely gave me a reassuring smile.

Father was the first to appear, with his overgrown stubble and cheap whiskey smell. A footman rushed to help mother and Pauline down while another assisted my other sisters who were seated in the other carriage. I noticed they were all wearing gowns that they had previously worn which clearly showed that my family were now drowning in debt. Father shook the Earl's hand and briefly kissed the Countess' hand. He then glanced my way with a mischievous grin on his face. He had been waiting for my marriage for three years as it meant he would get bailed from a lifetime's worth of debt. Acting as if he genuinely cared about me, he slowly ascended the stairs and wrapped me in his embrace.

"Oh my dearest daughter. How have they been treating you?"

"Better than you ever did."I instantly replied. He was surprised that I stood up to him and in fear of receiving a public humiliation, he tried to pass it off as a joke.

"Oh my humorous girl. I shall speak with you soon, once we are all settled in our rooms."he said promising the disturbing things to come. On the way inside the mansion, my sisters all gave me looks of sympathy except Pauline who did not look at me once. It absolutely broke my heart to see her avoid me but deep down I knew that I had done nothing to hurt her.

Just before lunch, I was in my bedroom trying on the finished dress for the wedding. It was white with gold detail around the sleeves and neckline. It also had ivory flowers sewn onto the skirt. The room was full of maids and seamstresses making sure the dress was a perfect fit. There was a knock on the door and in walked mother along with my sisters Catherine and Gwendolyn.

"Oh sorry to disturb we were just passing by and wanted to get a glimpse."said mother as she walked next to Blair who was overseeing the entire fitting process.

"'Tis to be expected. You are the mother of the bride after all..."Blair replied kindly.

"'Tis gorgeous Alyssa!"gasped Catherine. "You look like a princess."

"I feel like one."I replied truthfully. The final touches were done and everyone stepped back to admire me in the dress. I could see the pleased looks on their faces.

"Let's see it with the veil." mother suggested after quickly wiping away a tear. One of the maids carefully pinned the veil to my hair and I turned to them once again to receive their judgement.

"If only the Countess was here... she would give you the biggest hug." said Blair with a smile on her face. "Well, 'tis almost time for lunch. Let's get you changed."

This time round, my parents were not seated on the same table as the Earl and Countess. We'd just finished eating deer ragout when Jonathan leaned to whisper in my ear.

"By this time tomorrow we'll be married." His words gave me goosebumps.

"Yes." I said as I stuffed a spoonful of stew in my mouth.

"Are you not excited?"

"Actually I am. Are you?"

"Not really. After all, I am quite certain you will say 'I do'." he remarked with a tranquil grin on his face. I just stared at him. "Don't worry. I too shall take you as my wife without the slightest doubt."

I just looked at him. I could not tell if he was mocking me or just drunk.

"Don't act so surprised my dear. Who wouldn't want to share a bed with a woman like you...?" he whispered as he snaked his arm around my waist. I quickly pulled away.

"Stop Jonathan!"I hissed deciding that he certainly had had an extra drink or two.

"Oh please... any woman in this room would kill to be in your place. You should be grateful."

The conversation was thankfully cut off by the announcement declaring the commencement of the dancing festivities.  Everyone rose to their feet and made way for Jonathan and I to lead the crowd. Dozens of eyes followed Jon and I as we danced beneath the splendid, golden-lit ballroom. Then, as the tempo of the music changed gradually, couples started to join in the dance.

The night eventually came to an end and I decided to retire to my chamber jn preparation of the next day's events that would most likely leave me in a state of exhaustion. I decided to take the long route back to my chamber and as I wandered through the empty halls, I recalled how many times I'd dreamt about my wedding when I was a young girl.  I'd always wondered who would be the man waiting for me on the altar and until less than a year ago I would have been sure that man would be Arthur. Yet there I stood, looking at my future as the bride of Jonathan; Arthur's brother, whom I had also grown to love in a twisted way. I continued walking towards my room and when I arrived at the door I noticed it was hanging slightly ajar. Not recalling leaving it open, I carefully and silently prowled inside the pitch dark room.
I thought I heard a gasp escape an unknown source but before I could take a step further, I was being thrown onto the bed and firm hands were holding my mouth shut.

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