Chapter 14

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Lance ate the food gratefully. His heat ended yesterday and he was grateful for the damn thing to be over with. He could finally be a paladin again! So much has happened, and over the course of a week too! Lance closed his eyes and thought about it.

Lance was outed as an omega to his pack, yet his fear of rejection was gone because he knew that his pack loved him.

Keith, the alpha that Lance has had a crush on for as long as he could remember, was courting him!

Lance smiled at the thought of Keith. When Lance had woken up this morning, Keith had left him a little present. It was a plush but cat with buttons for eyes and dopey grin. It was so cute! Lance had cooed at it and had stuffed the toy into his coat pocket, proudly displaying it to everyone.

Keith was such a gentle alpha too. Despite being a total hothead and awkward guy, he was so kind and caring for Lance. Lance was still wearing Keith's jacket. He should probably give it back but he loved the smell of the alpha on him. 

Lance finished the food goo and put the bowl in the sink. Lance was also the new pack omega, and with that came a lot of responsibility. Lance rinsed out his bowl and walked out of the kitchen, hoping to find somebody to hand out with.

Pidge was lounging across the couch, her face glued to the computer screen. Lance plopped down next to her, startling her out of her daze. "Hey Lance," she said.

"Hey pidgeon." Lance smiled. "I was just wondering if you wanted to...cuddle?"

"Sure!" Pidge said, standing up to go lay in the pack nest Lance had made in the rec room. "I have to warn you though, I'm going to keep on working."

"That's fine," Lance said. "I just didn't want to be alone right now."

She frowned as Lance  snuggled up to her. "Is something wrong?"

"No," Lance assured her, patting her leg comfortingly. "I just feel so happy that I didn't want to ruin it by being lonely like usual."

"What do you mean 'like usual'?" she asked, her fingers clacking against the key board. 

"Well I'm usually alone in the castle because everybody is too busy within their own cliques to hang out with me," Lance explained. "I don't mind it that much, it just gets lonely sometimes."

"What cliques?" Pidge asked harshly. The beta firmly believed that there should be no cliques anywhere because it was just a way to exclude people and make them feel unwelcome. So the very idea that there were cliques in the castle made her feel slightly nauseous . 

"You know, you and Hunk are like the brainy peeps, and Keith and Shiro are like the jocks...sort of? And Allura and Coran are like the glorified SGA." Lance said, waving his hand around in large gestures. "I don't really fit in with any of those categories so I'm usually left out."

"Lance...I'm so sorry," Pidge said with resigned sadness. She was resigned because lance was right. Pidge had unknowingly joined a clique, something she'd rather die than do! Looking back it was painfully obvious that Lance had been more withdrawn from the rest of the pack. Was this the reason?

"It's okay," Lance smiled. "It's not like you do it on purpose. I'm not hurt by it." 

"Don't worry, we'll include you way more," Pidge promised. 

"I'm holding you to that."


"Lance I was wondering if--woah! It's like Toy Story in here!" Hunk said as he stepped into Lance's room. It was true. Lance had received so many toys and such from Keith that Lance's room was starting to fill up with plushies and blankets and trinkets. 

"I know! Isn't it great?" Lance asked. He was wrapped in a blanket in his personal nest. There were plush cats strewn all throughout his nest and clothes from all of his pack members. 

"Yeah, I'm really happy for you man." Hunk said. "So how's the whole courtship thing going anyway?"

"I think it;s going well," Lance said. Hunk raised an eyebrow.

"You think?"

"I don't really know," Lance said. "Nobody has ever courted me before. I don't know if what we're doing is good or bad."

"Well how do you feel about it?" Hunk asked. He had sat down on Lance's bed and was now cupping a plush Wellbum toy. "Does he make you happy? Or uncomfortable?"

"He makes me really happy," Lance said dreamily. "Every morning I wake up and boom, there's a new present for me. And it;s not just the present. It's the fact that Keith thought about it and got int specifically for me. It sends butterflies to my stomach."

"That's so sappy." Hunk teased. 

"Shut up," Lance laughed when the pillow he threw hit Hunk dead in the face.

"But seriously," Hunk said. "If you feel this happy then I think it's going well." 

Lance smiled.

His relationship with Keith was doing well. 

Filler chapter for everybody cuz it's going to be crazy next chapter! Comment, Vote and Follow, they make my day! I love you all! 

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