Chapter 8

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Keith aimed for Shiro's jugular, hoping to rip it out so the alpha would die a slow and satisfying death. That's what he deserved for trying to claim his omega. Because Lance was his.

But before he could even reach Shiro, a loud voice boomed.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Pidge screamed. She raced forward and rushed to pull Keith away from Shiro. Keith growled at the beta, but she only rolled her eyes. "Chill it with the pheromones, alpha fuck-tard. You're scaring the shit out of Lance!"

Keith turned and faced Lance, who was in fact terrified. He was shaking, his blood soaked "bandages" slowly sliding off his side.

Keith snapped out of his rage instantly. No matter how pissed he was at Shiro, Lance came first. He sent one last growl and Shiro before rushing over to Lance.

Hunk snapped a clothespin over Shiro's nose, stopping Lance's heat scent from driving him crazy. Shiro came to his senses a few minutes after the clothespin was out on him. Lance's scent was still so potent, Shiro could taste it, but without breathing it in, Shiro returned to his fatherly way.

"Keith I'm so sorry I..." Shiro started, he moved to step forward but a snarl from Keith stopped him. Shiro raised his hands in surrender.

"Shiro he's still feral," Hunk reminded him. Shiro nodded knowingly.

"I think that we should leave them be—" Shiro started.

"Absolutely not!" Hunk screeched. "With Keith feral and Lance in heat....there would be no boundaries. They might do something they'll both regret. We can't leave them alone."

Shiro nodded, grateful for Hunk's reasoning. He was right of course, there was no way that they could leave them alone. That was a very bad idea.

Hunk slowly stepped towards Leith, and he grudgingly bared his neck in submission when Keith growled at him to show he wasn't a threat. Keith seemed satisfied with Hunk's submission because he allowed the beta to step forward.

"Keith," Hunk said slowly. "I know you don't wanna leave Lance, but listen to me. Neither of you are in control right now. You don't want to do something you'll regret do you?"

Keith snarled. "Are you trying to separate my omega and I?"

"No," Hunk said calmly. "I'm just suggesting you talk to Lance about your, very apparent, feelings before you go as far as to share his heat."

Hunk could see reason slowly seep into Keith's eyes. Hunk was right, and Keith knew it. He reluctantly let go of Lance's gentle frame. He pressed a light kiss to Lance's temple before handing him to Hunk. Hunk smiled gratefully and clutched Lance close to his chest.

"Thank you Keith," Hunk said.

Keith only sighed. "Take care of my omega, Hunk." and with that he turned away sadly.

Lance whined in confusion. He was too far in his heat that reason no longer worked. Lance was heavily confused.

Keith kept referring to him as his omega. But if Lance was Keith's omega, why was he turning Lance away during his heat? Lance needed him most now, so why was he rejecting him...again? Was Lance undesirable? Was that it?

Lance let out a cry of sadness as Hunk carried him further away from his alpha.

"Shush buddy," Hunk whispered. Hunk's heart was breaking at the sounds Lance was making. "It's okay."

"Alpha~" Lance whined. He was trying to get the attention of Keith but Keith wouldn't turn around.

Keith cringed at the noises Lance was making. His omega was in pain. But when Lance let out the cry for an alpha, Kieth to be specific, Keith broke. He covered his ears with his hands to stifle the omegas heartbroken cries.

Lance watched at Keith covered his ears and Lance's heart stopped. Keith didn't want to help him through his heat. And the noises Lance was making was bothering the alpha. No wonder he was ignoring Lance. Lance stopped fretting in Hunk's arms, making said beta very nervous.

Lance should be fighting the separation of the alpha yet here he was laying quietly in Hunks arms, well quiet save for the sniffles.

Something was wrong.

Hey guys, so this chapter is short but it's in preparation of the next chapter. Get your tissues ready cuz next chapter is going to be very langsty.

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