The hElL club

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I walk into the club seeing 2 other boys. One reading a thick novel and the other sitting near a cupboard reading some manga.
"Okay everyone, this is Y/N our new club member!"
"Really a girl?"
"Naruki be more open minded! Welcome to the club Y/N." The two boys were completely different, but for some reason I recognised them from somewhere. I couldn't place it. 
"Anyway welcome to the club Y/N!" I nod at Moniko for I am completely speechless, how did I end up in a club with incredibly cute guys?
"Moniko I told you to tell me when someone was going to join!"
"Right sorry, Anyway this is Naruki," he pointed at the pink haired boy "And Yuki the vice president!" He pointed at the tall purple haired boy, I smiled and waved.
"I'll get some tea," said Yuki.

The guys had a few desks joined together to create a table, I sat down and Moniko sat down next to me. Yuki placed a teacup in front of everyone, 
"Doesn't a cup of tea calm you down when reading? What kind of books do you like reading?"
"I uhm Manga," I whisper joking, but Naruki smiles 
"not much of a reader then huh?"
"Don't worry Y/N, Yuki is just trying to impress you," I chuckle and look back down at the table. 
Moniko and Yuki have a conversation but they might as well have been talking to a rock at this point.
"Hey! why don't we write poems for tomorrow?" Everyone stutters "Okay it's settled!"

I wanted to say that I never agreed to this club, but they need me to create an actual club. Fine I'll join.

I wave and walk out the door.

Only read if interested, do you guys wanna see my face, comment if you do. Anyway this chapter may seem rushed but I haven't studied for my D.T Exam. Sorry for any inconvenience. Love you.

Xx Newshbag <3


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