Ohayo Satori

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Walking down the street outside my house keeping my head down not wanting to cause any unwanted attention. It was my second year at school and I hated it. Everyday was the same: Learn, eat, talk and go home, it seems like a cycle of events that will leave me in an office job until I die, alone. I was blindly walking the same way that I always did until something was out of order.

"Y/N!" I turned around to see my childhood best friend, Satori, running at me at full speed but instead of walking ahead I sighed and stopped and waited for him. "Hoo, Y/N hi!" I lowered my head "shhhh you're drawing attention to us," I walked on ahead while Satori followed "Soo, what club are you joining?" He smiled
"Club? I never said anything about joining a club,"
"Wha- You promised me!"
I tried to recall me agreeing to this though it was probably one of our conversations when I just agree to anything that he's saying.
"Okay, I'll think about,"

We carried on walking to school until we split to go to our lessons, and like always the same old same old. The last lesson was the most boring, I was daydreaming in my little corner of the classroom that I didn't even hear the bell ring. Then I remembered what Satori said to me about joining a club. I exhaled and tried to think about possible clubs 'welp the best place to start at is the anime club'. I shoved all my belongings into my bag and was about to stand up until Satori scared me. "Hellooo? Ah Y/N," Satori must have wandered in when I was spacing out "Have you decided on a club yet?" He asks leaning on my desk "Yeah I was thinking on joining the anime club but I'm not sure," I say standing up and pushing my H/C hair out of my face "If you're not sure then you can join my club!" His blue eyes sparkled "Uhmm no thanks," He sighed "Well you kinda haft to." I shot him a glare "Haft to?"
"I kinda told the boys that I would bring a new member and Naruki made cupcakes!"
I had to think for a second
"Okay, I'll join only for a cupcake!" I stated strictly.

And thus marks the day I sold my soul for a cupcake...

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