ix. farewells.

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say goodbye.
feel your soul wisp away with autumn
leaves. swallow the mountains icy tips. feel
it solidify in the back of your throat.

say goodbye.
say goodbye as if it won't hurt. hurt as much as the scars
that have healed over time. scabs that won't peel away. hurt
as bad as the night the knife drew blood. rushed to the hospital.
hypnotized by the color red.

say goodbye.
listen to how the birds sing differently. sun rises hopeless.
clouds weeping. flashes of lighting thrashing in the hold of what
could've been. the history before an us. what was written in the
stars. enscripted in the gardens petals.

say farewell
despite the broken promises in your eyes.
lungs bursting open from screaming. sore throats.
white knuckles. red eyes. red roses pulled from the
ground. red dripping down forearms.

say goodbye as if it won't hurt.

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