Chapter 31

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As I sat in front of the mirror, painting eyeliner over my lids, I felt quite nauseous. Riel hadn't done anything wrong and he hadn't deserved the way I'd treated him the other night. I couldn't stop thinking about it. However, I knew that I needed tonight. I knew that I'd been craving more time with Grey, despite my better judgement. I hated that my heart seemed to have decided on him, that he could make me happy.

Earlier today, as he'd told me he would, he'd shown up with a gown in a bag with some fancy designer name sprawled across the front. Even though I'd protested, telling him it was only for one night and I didn't feel comfortable with him spending money on me, he hadn't given me much of a choice. He'd said something along the lines of 'it's been tailored, therefore, I can't return it'. I didn't know how he'd managed to have it tailored when I wasn't with him, and I hadn't given him my measurements either. He was either psychic or delusional, maybe both.

I had yet to look at the dress. Part of me wondered if he'd gotten me something hideous just to spite me. It wasn't exactly out of character.

I blended some contour underneath my nonexistent cheekbones, some blush atop my cheeks. I never usually wore this much makeup, but given that the world could be turning to shit any day now, I felt like I could pull it off this once. As I stared at my reflection, I hardly recognized the woman who looked back at me. She looked fierce, more alive, as if the color in her eyes and her hair had become more saturated. Her eyes held something more, some confidence they had never held before. I'd always been confident, but never like this. I'd never looked at myself and thought 'yes, I am exactly who I was always meant to be'. The more I stared at my reflection, the more I began to feel like that.

Perhaps I was fated to die that day on the cliff, and maybe some part of me wished that it had happened, that I could've Pledged and had this all over with. But I knew deep down that my fate had not been my destiny. I was meant for more than death. The woman I saw in the mirror knew that too.

Knowing that my stubborn waves would remain, I decided to curl my hair into loose tousled curls, allowing them to stretch down the expanse of my back. Because I had so much hair, this part took the longest. I misted in some hairspray, running my fingers through it once, before heading back into my bedroom where the dress bag sat atop the duvet. With a deep breath, I reached down and zipped it open.

Of course he'd gone with red, but even I had to admit, the dress was stunning. It was made of shimmering silk, but aside from that, was entirely plain. He had good taste. I wouldn't have wanted to wear something exuberant or flashy- that wasn't who I was.

I gingerly pulled the gown from the bag and held it up by the hanger. It was long and had a train that would extend behind me while I walked. The whole thing was held up by two spaghetti straps and a slight plunging neckline. I could make this work.

Pulling the dress off of its hanger and sliding it up my body, I put on the pair of stilettos I had yet to return to Makenna. Luckily, the dress was long enough that were she there, she wouldn't see them. I would get them back to her at some point. Maybe tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. I just needed to borrow them one last time.

The clack of the heels resounded against the hardwood floor as I strode over to the floor length mirror in the bathroom and looked at my reflection. I was amazed at how much I'd changed, even in the short while I'd known Grey and Riel. The old me would've never even thought to attend this gala, let alone wear something like this. The old me wouldn't have the same confident look in her eye. The old me would've cowered in front of the woman who stood in the mirror now. I looked powerful- radiant even. I looked every bit the force of nature I knew I was. The material clung to my curves effortlessly, draping down across my body and elegantly falling to the floor. I had been right about the train, which was insignificant enough to make little difference in how I walked, but added to the drama of the dress.

At that, I turned on my heel and exited my room, my heels clanging against the wooden staircase as I carefully descended. I gripped the railing tightly, knowing that with my lack of grace, I could easily fall and rip the gown. I turned the corner, facing the living room, and looked up from my feet. Grey's back faced me, clad in a black tux as he looked out at the moonlit ocean in front of his house. A few scattered clouds dotted the horizon, but aside from that, it was a clear night. It'd been a while since northern Washington had seen one of those.

I continued down the rest of the stairs, not daring to lift my eyes, even as I felt Grey's heavy gaze fall upon me. When I'd reached the bottom, I couldn't stop myself, however. My eyes slowly rose and met his. They were glowing a brilliant Caribbean blue.

Neither of us said a word, but the silence wasn't awkward. It was as if neither of us knew what to say, where to begin. Grey's jaw tightened as if he couldn't figure out which of his lame pickup lines to use, and I felt my lips curl upwards at the notion.

"Wow," came his breathless voice. He took a step closer, outstretching his hand and taking mine.

"I like the tux," I chuckled softly, raking my eyes up his body. He shook his head, squeezing my hand a little as he lifted it up in the air, urging me to give him a twirl. I obliged with a roll of my eyes, my tight lipped smile widening into a grin.

"God have mercy," he murmured, those glowing eyes flitting across my body as if he couldn't decide where to look.

"You have good taste. With the dress, I mean," I admitted. Grey chuckled and let out a breath.

"Somehow, I feel like you would've looked this good in anything," he replied coolly, pressing his lips firmly together before giving a subtle nod. "We'd better get going before I mess up your makeup."

With a roll of my eyes, I followed him out the door and to his car. He opened the door for me, eyes glimmering with mischief and satisfaction as I climbed into his car without a snarky retort. I decided to play nice tonight. Yes, I still did have working arms, but I would allow him to play the gentleman for now. 

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