Chapter 27

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It had been a week since I last saw Grey. He had left immediately following our argument on the porch. I don't know where he went after that. I just knew he was gone.

I thought that with Grey out of the picture, I could start to feel for Riel, but the feelings never came. I spent a hell of a lot of time with Riel, seeing as he had taken up my training while Grey was gone, but I still couldn't feel anything. When we were training, he went easy on me. Never threw punches at me for me to block, never challenged me to run faster, to lift more, to punch harder. With Grey, it seemed he was always pushing me for more, but with Riel, it seemed he just wanted me to be comfortable. It was a nice break, I'll admit, but I was bored.

It was a surprisingly sunny morning when I'd woken up to voices downstairs. It was a Sunday, so I didn't have class and got to sleep in a little bit. I had gotten dressed and lumbered downstairs, half expecting Riel to have breakfast already made and to find me the second I entered the room. However, he seemed preoccupied. I could only see the back of his head as he talked to someone on the couch.

"-did you find out?" He asked, and I leaned quietly against the wall so as to eavesdrop. If I made my presence known, I might not learn as much.

"The guy after Jordan last week was a guy named Will." Was that Grey's voice? "She had met him at the club when she went, and I intervened before he had a chance to do anything. I tracked Will's whereabouts following the incident and killed a few demons who refused to speak along the way, but point is, it seems as though I was right. Lucifer is taking this into his own hands."

What was Grey doing back?

"What do you mean?" Riel asked.

"I know this demon, Onoskelis, and she has this infatuation with me. Turns out she had been in contact with Will following the incident at the club, and she told me that Lucifer really wants Jordan. He thinks her soul could be the deciding factor in the Reckoning," Grey explained.

Lucifer wanted me? Why me?

"Why her?" Riel asked as if reading my thoughts.

"Dumbass, have you felt the power of her soul?" Grey retorted. "I can feel it radiating off of her."

"Yes, but there are plenty powerful souls in Hell. Why her?" Riel cocked his head to the side slightly, and I made eye contact with Grey as he did so. Grey's lips curled up slightly in an entertained smirk, and my stomach did a backflip. His silvery eyes were glimmering slightly in the morning light, and with the sunshine pouring in from the windows behind him, he looked like he was glowing. God, how I'd missed him.

"Morning, Greene," Grey hummed and Riel spun around quickly, a smile widening on his lips when he saw me.

"How'd you sleep?" Riel asked softly, standing up and walking over to me. His arms wrapped around me in a hug, and I should've felt comforted, but I wanted to escape. I didn't want to be touched. Riel must've noticed my aversion to his touch because he pulled away and frowned.

"Fine," I replied awkwardly, walking over to the couch and plopping down next to where Riel had been sitting.

"Let me get you some coffee," Riel sighed, walking over to the kitchen. Once he was out of earshot, Grey smirked slightly at me, and I knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"Trouble in paradise?" He hummed, leaning forward slightly and resting his elbows on his knees.

"I like Riel. Leave it alone, Grey," I frowned, folding my arms tightly across my chest and leaning back into the couch. I needed to learn how to love Riel. If I fell for Grey, how would we be together if I pledged my soul to Heaven? I wasn't about to pledge my soul to Hell for the sake of a guy, either, so there was no hope for Grey and I. I had to learn to love Riel.

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