18. "I do want you to have something."

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Damian and I didn't have sex until we got married. Aaron always liked to make fun of me by saying that that was the reason why he asked me to marry him so soon. But it was never like that.

My mom always valued abstinence from sex until marriage so that's how I was raised. When I began college, I knew I had the choice of losing my virginity if I wanted to. My mom had done her job by teaching me her values and as an adult, it was my choice whether I wanted to follow them or not. I didn't really decide, it just never really happened with anyone. I was busy with school and I didn't meet a guy I really wanted to "do it" with-until I met Damian.

The thing was that I knew he was the right guy for me and I decided I wanted to wait because I wanted a good, innocent relationship with him. He respected me and never suggested that we did anything. It was like he knew that I wanted to wait for marriage.

When Damian and I first made love in our honeymoon, I wondered how I had gone my whole life without him. That night, on our first round of many, I felt the exact same way.

It was a weird thing, to feel the exact same way I felt when I lost my virginity. Damian was so gentle, just how I remembered him to be.

I stared at the window as I thought about our lovemaking all night. We barely even had any sleep. I think we broke some kind of record and I still felt like I didn't have enough of him. How was this possible?

Now, I was more sure that I couldn't live without him anymore. I did not want to.

I want you to stay, I remembered his words from last night.

He wanted me to stay. Despite all the pain I caused him, he still wanted me.

I felt him stir next to me and then he put his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I felt his lips against the back of my head.

I smiled as I stared at the bright sunlight coming through the window. Would it work, though? If I stayed...would it work? I was scared to come back and then everything going back to the way it was before I left. I didn't want to go back to that life again. I didn't want to be Marianne's victim. And Marianne...I hadn't even thought about how she would react when she learned that I came back to her house or Damian's life for that matter. I was sure she had been the happiest woman alive when she found out that I had left and even more happy when I didn't come back day after day...

"Good morning," Damian mumbled behind me.

I half smiled. "How did you know I was awake?"

He extended his palm against my bare stomach. "Your breathing."

"Wow." I smiled. "Very observant."

His arm tightened around me. "Always."

We laid in silence for a moment. Just enjoying each other's company. I loved feeling his body against mine. It was the best feeling in the world. I had forgotten that.

I didn't have to say good-bye to this feeling. Damian wanted me to stay. I could stay. Yet...

"Do you forgive me?" I asked him, breaking the silence.

He huffed. "Forgive you for what?"

I turned around so I was facing him. "For leaving," I said as I looked into his brown eyes. "Do you forgive me for leaving?"

He burrowed his eyebrows together. "Rebecca-"

"Answer me," I interrupted. "Please. I need to know."

He looked at me. "I have nothing to forgive you for. I am to blame-"

His Runaway Wife [UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now