2. "You disappeared, Rebecca."

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"Rebecca, is that you?"

I turned to my right and felt the blood drain from my face as I felt my body freeze.

It was practically impossible...

Aaron was staring at me with wide, brown eyes. He seemed different from the last time I saw him. His hair was longer so it gave him that skater look. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I could see he had a tan. He was holding a volleyball in his hands and I suddenly remembered why the volleyball game going on a few feet away made me nervous.

"I can't believe it's you." he said looking at me with wide eyes.

I didn't say anything, mostly because I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to run away.

"Hey! Aaron!" the people back in the game yelled at him. "The ball!"

Aaron turned and threw the ball to them and I took that chance to turn and walk away.

"Hey, Rebecca, wait!" he said as he caught up to me.

I stopped, remembering I wasn't alone and looked for Alexa. She was sitting down on the sand with her knees brought up as she continued to talk with her friend. I sighed as I looked at Aaron. "Please leave me alone."

"I'm not doing anything to you." he said raising his hands up defensively.

We stared at each other for a moment.

"Your hair is different." he finally broke the silence.

Under different circumstances, I would have pointed out that his was too but I didn't say anything. He was right. Three years ago my hair was long and straight. Now, I had it shoulder length and I also had choppy bangs which covered my forehead. I never had my hair this short or had bangs but I actually liked this hairstyle and kept it for the past three years.

"You disappeared." he said looking at me accusingly. "Rebecca-do you have any idea how long we looked for you? My brother-"

I shook my head. "Stop. I don't want to talk about this." I turned around. "Just leave me alone, Aaron."

"You can't just expect me to walk away and pretend I didn't see you." he said catching up to me.

"Yes, I do."

"Rebecca-stop." he said putting his arms on my shoulders, making me come to a stop. "Can you just chill for a second? Forget my brother." He burrowed his eyes brows together. "What about me? I thought I was your friend."

"Aaron-" I said looking around nervously.

"He's not here." he said, probably reading the look on my face. "It's just me. So will you please just talk to me?"

I looked at him for a moment. "It doesn't matter. I'm actually leaving."

He shook his head. "I don't think so. Have lunch with me or I will call him."

I glared at him. "You wouldn't dare."

He took out his phone from his shorts pocket. "Try me."

"You have no business in this, Aaron." I said angrily. He was pissing me off. I hated when people tried to make me do something I didn't want to.

"Why are you so scared about talking to me? We used to be friends, remember? Even best friends before you married my brother. I just want to talk to you." he half smiled. "Please."

I shook my head. "I don't want to talk."

"So I'll do the talking then."

"I'm not alone." I said looking at Alexa.

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