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"I'll see you every weekend baby, don't worry." He said lowly kissing her forehead.

She nodded turning towards her family. China, China's mother, Kae's mother and father, Michael and his grandmother, Chris, Momma Joyce, and his little sister Mia, along with Trinity's mother who stood in the back. Trinity sniffled, giving them a little wave.

They all waved back with sad eyes as Trinity walked over to the women by the gated door. She gave Chris one last look then walked through the door, not looking back.

Trinity knows time is up for her and Chris since she'll be in here for who knows how long, it saddened her that it just processed that Chrinity is over.

It saddened her that she may not be able to walk across the stage with her friends.

It saddened her that her life has officially ended.


June 28, 2016 (4 Months Later)

The graduates of Hillcrest Highschool all sat in their seats in anticipation, waiting for their principle to come to a closing of his very long speech. The venue is crowded with students, staff, and family members who all came out on a very important day.

"The future holds many challenges and successes for all of you. Each of you will have your own unique opportunities to grow. I am confident you will rise to every occasion. Well, Class of 2016 you may move your tassel to the opposite side. Congratulations, you've all made it! Let me wish you all the best for the future. Thank You!"

The sea of purple cap and gowns all roared in excitement and joy, as caps were being tossed high into the air. Purple and white confetti came pouring down as a cliche graduation song began to play loudly throughout the whole Barclay's Center.

Students began to disperse into little groups, meeting up with their friends, family, and teachers to take pictures and to celebrate. 

China ran over to Michael and Chris since they were separated and categorized by their last names. She engulfed them in a tight embrace as tears brimmed her eyes realizing two people were missing, Trinity and Kae. 

After they broke out of the hug, Michael met eyes with Kae's mother and father as the couple began to approach the group. Meeting them halfway, he pulled them both into a big hug as they walked up to him. 

"Thank you so much for coming." He said softly holding Kae's mother hand.

"We had to show our support, Kaelyn would've wanted us to come." Mrs. Wilson responded, resting her hand on Michael's shoulder. "She would've been valedictorian, she was a very smart girl." She added sadly. 

As much as Kae tried to hide her intelligence with her attitude and behavior, she has always been the top student in all of her classes. Michael was the only one aware of who Kae really was, he never understood why she was so ashamed of her book smart and would rather be street smart. 

Mr. Wilson cleared his throat breaking the tension, "We wanted to introduce you to our little girl, her name is Kenya." 

Michael didn't realize in his hand, Mr. Wilson was carrying a car seat with a pink blanket covering it. 

Michael's eyes grew wide, "You had the baby." He said hesitating to move the blanket so he can get a better look at the baby.

"It's okay son, you can touch her." Mrs. Wilson encouraged with a faint smile, "She's a little over a month old."

What's Really HoodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora