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I peeled my pullover off being careful not to mess my bun up. The Ciroc seeped through to my tank top so goosebumps started to form because I was getting cold. My teeth started to chatter so I walked over to the huge closet and saw many Nike Tech sweaters on one side. I chose an all black one closing the closet door, and walking over to the dresser. The two top drawers had nothing but Tommy and Ralp Lauren boxers. Well damn. I opened another drawer and saw Polo v necks. They were big but I took one anyway. I closed the drawer and walked over to the bed taking my tank top off. I quickly started to put on the V neck until I heard a voice.

"So we meet again." I looked through to mirror and saw behind me, the boy in the bmw

Down there began to tickle again. Dominic, oh lordt.

"Dominic." I said softer then I intended to fully pulling the v neck over my head

"Trinity." He said with his eyebrows furrowed  "What are you doing in my room?"

"Your room?" I said confused "So this is your party then?"

I should've known. As soon as Kae said his name, he should've been the first person to pop up in my head.

"There's this little gathering my bro is throwing tomorrow, you wanna come?" I looked at him "You know, get acquainted and shit." He added

"I don't know Michael..." I trailed on

"You talking about Dom's party?" Kae swiveled in her seat so fast I was hopping she'd get whip lash

"Yeah." He said looking at her

"Oh yeah, that's not her scene, she definitely wont fit in. Maybe a little Starbucks taste testing party, I dunno." She shrugged turning back around

Dom, Dominic... Duh Trinity!

He nodded and then his eyes went wide when he saw the Nike tech laying on the bed  "What are you doing?"

He gave me a look like I was an idiot or something. I felt embarrassed.

"Alcohol spilled all over my clothes so I needed to change." I said lowly

He walked over to me and picked up the sweater that was on the bed "So you go in random niggas room and wear their clothes?"

Honestly the way he was looking tonight, I couldn't help but get turned on at the way he was scolding me. He had on an everyday outfit but damn. The way he stood so tall and I had to slightly look up at him drove me crazy.

"Why you staring at me like that?" He said walking towards his closet and putting the sweater back on the hanger

I scrutinized him as he came back with a different piece of clothing in his hand. "Here you go." He tossed it over to me and I caught it "It matches your shoes." He added looking at my shoes approvingly

I looked at the maroon colored pull over and nodded in satisfaction "Thank you." I said walking over back to the body length mirror. Crap, how am I gonna put this pullover on without messing my perfect bun?

I looked at him through the mirror and saw he was scrolling on his phone. I like how I'm so comfortable in his room, it's weird. He looked good in this dim lighting too might I add.

I then scrunched the pullover up by the collar and tried to see a way how I was gonna get it over my head. I sighed conflicted.

"Something wrong?"

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