Flip flops

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Dinner went by like normal. My usually happy warming family was cold and lost. Their youngest child still slept peacefully in our conjoined room upstairs.
The silence between us three was deafening, and you could see that mum was trying hold back an emotional over load. She was convinced that Violet will not be getting up. Dad in the other hand had full faith in his youngest.

"I know my daughter love, she is strong, she has blood of a pack warrior running through her veins, she will get up , she just needs rest."
He got up and gently rubbed my mums shoulder and she let out a little sniffle. Her voice is so rough, evidence of her tears.

"She is strong , she never wanted a mate ..hence she survived the rejection without any side effects, but she always, always wanted to be the pack warrior and now with that taken away...I don't know if if she.." my mum broke out into tears and even I had to wipe the stray drops leaving me.

"Go get some sleep hun, I'll take your mum to our room." Dad bent to my height to lay a kiss on my forehead.

Sleep ...the same word everyone uses when they describe my sister

She looks peacefully asleep
It's good she needs to sleep and rest after everything
Sleeping beauty hey?

And it's something I haven't been doing for the past couple of days, not risking being in sleep Incase Violet wakes up or needs me.

I put the rest of the dishes into the sink before making my way to the front door to lock it.
Looking through the peep hole I notice two shuffling in the bushes in front of my house.

Viola be like Violet.

I knew what she would do in a situation like this. I opened the front door and walked towards the bushes outside. I wrapped my fingers around the dagger in my pants.
It didn't smell like rouges. It smelt like something similar.

I approached the Bush before diving behind it and grabbing the person shoving the dagger close to her back.

"Viola! Or Violet? Stop it's us!"


"I'm here to!"


I hugged the dark and red head girls in front of me.
"What are you doing here! "I shouted /whispered

"We couldn't let you go through this alone and we needed to be here with you and Violet..we both knew that Violet will be there for us so this is us reciprocating that. " Brie answers as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Thank you guys, I guess I need more moral support, I guess Ian and them arnt so bad after all , they let both of you come."

Alana pulled a hesitant face." Yea about that , Ian doesn't know we are here yet-nor does Dave or Dylan."

My eyes widened,"you didn't tell your mates you leaving!!! They were tear down the world to find you! And you are with a pup!!! Oh my gosh Alana what were you thinking?"

"Our mates are smart," Brie interjected," they will know that we are here . So everything is good. "

"We will see Brie but I have a bad feeling about this. It's cold out here, come on inside , I'll show you to your rooms."

We that the three of us walked into the house in silence.


"That's the twelfth time your phone rang in the last 15 minutes."

Brie, Alana and I sat on the makeshift bed on the living room floor, staring at Alana's phone in the middle of us.

The phone rings again.

"Maybe you should answer it, Dave could be really worried about him baby." Brie answer passing the phone to Alana.

"Maybe you should answer is Viola, Dave wouldn't shout you"

"He won't shout you either ! You are his mate."

"Other then the fact that you ran away with me to the other side of the country.pregnant. Without your mate or protection." Brie interrupted.

"That's not making it better but you have a point." I took the phone from Alana, "I will answer the call....hello Dave."


"Yes this is Viola, Dave and yes you did call the right number. It is your mates number and she is very safe with me, I promise to look after her and her baby. Tell Dylan as well that his mate is safe and good."

"What about Reese's mate? Is she ok to?"

I took in some air before answering," I am ok but don't tel Reese anything ,if he wants to know how I am then he must call me himself."

"He feels sorry you know.-"

"Did you call to find out about your mates well they are fine and all so goodbye Dave," I cut him off and shut the call but a couple of seconds later it started to ring again.

"What Dave?,"

"Just tell my vote I love her and I will be seeing her in two days."

With that he cut off my call.

"What was that all about."

I looked over to Alana and how she had he hand protectively draped over her petruding stomach. Part of me felt guilty of them leaving their mates just to be here with me for Violet.

"They said to say they love you and that they will see you soon."


He dull morning light seemed to slowly shine through the curtains in the living room. I could hear mum humming a way in the kitchen and the smell of her famous pancakes.

I got up carefully trying not to step of Brie or Alana's sleeping forms and made my way into the kitchen.


"Morning baby."

She still had that tired look in her eyes, but that smile didn't seem to leave her face.

"I see we have guests , so I decided to whip up some pancakes." She glanced behind me to the sleeping forms.

"Yes that's Brie with the red hair, she is mates to Dylan the delta of my new pack. Violet was the one who actually convinced her to give Dylan a chance. To give the whole mate thing a chance. Alana is the one with the black hair, about four to five months pregnant, the reason she got pregnant in a twisted way is also Violets fault. So they both wanted to come to spend some time. Apparently their mates are going to be here soon aswel."

Mum nodded in agreement." A lot of people are going to be here soon. Jace is have a birthday party or his mate. He invited most of the Alphas in the county."

I smacked my hand against the cook marble countertops.
"That damn Alpha , he just wants to stick a silver iron into violets wounds.  Bringing all the Alphas here and at this time. If he cared for Violet , if he loved her like a sister the way he says , he should think twice about this action or any action he seems to be taking."

I took in a couple of heavy breaths trying to calm myself down.

"Viola? Are you okay. You normally never get this angry.."

"It's Violet. She is feeding through the bond. All the pain , heartache and raw emotion that she is feeling if percolating through the bond to me."

I took another deep breath.

"I need a run."

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