First Date

929 22 0

A moment of silence for Bishop Briggs :)

We approached his car, which took me by surprise, because for such a young man, he had an incredibly expensive Ferrari model.

"Oh my god. No way in hell this is your car"
He laughed leaning against it, grinning at me.

"When you're an heir to a multi million dollar business, you'll be surprised to see what a young man like me can get"

"Holy shit your rich"

I slapped my hand over mouth, not the best way to start a date Kendyl.

"Get in" he opened the door, closing it after I was buckled up.
"After I left my mum, my father was dying. Since I was his only son, I was to take over the family business in Cambridge."

"But you were only 14. How can a 14 year old take over a business?"
He started the car, pulling out the lot.
"My grandmother, on my father side, taught me everything I needed to know until I was 16. That's when I was legally eligible to become a director.

She hired the best management team to teach me all the important information of being an heir. After my dad died, I was 17, all funds automatically transferred to my account on my 18th birthday. I immediately send some to my mother, and my family here. My grandmother hated the fact that I was still in contact with her. Since their divorce, she expected me to leave everything behind. I would be daft if I ever left my family nothing, is that so wrong?"

I shook my head
"No. That's very brave of you France"

He smiled taking his eyes off the road for a split second, an unidentified viechle zoomed passed France, nearly knocking of his side view mirror.

The horn blared, startling him.

"WHAT!?!" He hissed.

I leaned back in my seat as he drove on the freeway to catch up with the blue sedan.
"Hey! Watch where you're going eh!"
The man rolled down his window as they raced each other.
"Learn to drive you stood Brit or go back to your country" the man yelled

France hung one hand out the window, swearing inaudibly.

"YOU LITTLE BUGGER!" France yelled through the window, giving the incoherent driver the finger as we drove past.

I stifled back my laughter
"Did you see that?"
"Hmm?" I pressed my lips together to contain my fits of laughter

"Did you see that! That arsehole try to cut me off. Dickhead! America seriously needs to learn how to drive, he was like what? 50? He needs his licenses taken away. Duffer. Bloody hell man"

France clenched and unclenched the wheel
"I can't"
"What?" He glanced at me confused
"You have serious road rage France"
I began to laugh at
his silly expression.
"I do not" he argued clenching the whole
"You so do! You should of seen your face! There was literally smoke coming out your ears" I confessed in hysterics
"Oh pish posh Kendyl. Like you're any better"  He lightly chuckled loosening his grip as we drove to a stop.
"I am a great driver!" I exclaimed at his horrid accusation. I turned in my seat to face him in utter shock
"Oh really?" He rose his brow in disbelief, cruising down the freeway with one hand, casually glancing at me then the road.

We pulled into a lane, leading back to the main road and up to a rural area.
"Yes really. My mother says so" before I could think to continue I realized I was being lied to. Oh Mother!

"You have been lied to my sweet. Your mother was just trying to not hurt your feeling. She's a cheeky one" he sighed pulling into the driveway of a nearly poplaualted diner/cafè/restaurant.

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