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Leo came over around 9pm. Both my parents were out on a date, and Porter was hanging out with Mel.

Leo and I sat watching a couple of movies and eating popcorn then..well you know what happened next.

"Babe" Leo groaned as he trailed small kisses down my neck, resting his palm on my left breast.

The kisses escalated down pass my collar bone to the top of my cleavage.

I squirmed.

"No Leo! Just kiss me" I stated bringing his face to meet mine, capturing his soft lips with my own. He pulled me closer, so close, I was practically sitting on his lap.

I couldn't do this anymore. I was afraid.

"Come on babe. I've waited 8 months! How much longer are you going to make me wait?" He panted
"Wait stop. Leo" I moved his arms from around me staring at him.
"Listen. I know that I told you I was ready, but I don't think-"
"You don't think what?"
"I don't think that I'm really ready" I mumbled.

He pushed me off his lap, back onto the couch.
"Leo calm down please" I grabbed his hand. He pulled away standing up.
"You are something else you know that"

Leo made his way to the door jacket in hand.

I stood up walking over to him. Hurt not only by his words but by rejection.
"Leo please.." I reached out to him pulling him from the door.

This time he allowed me to drag him back over the couch.

He looked me up and now examining me in the sexy lingerie I bought just for him.

He looked me up and now examining me in the sexy lingerie I bought just for him

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"You know I freaking love you Kendyl?" I nodded not meeting his eyes. I stared down at my feet clutching onto the front tail of his shirt.

He always found a way to bring out the shy girl in me. When I'm with him I don't know who to be and what to say.

He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when he kisses me, and he when touches me I lose my mind. He treats me like a princess at school even whenever we go out.

I love him so much, if he left me my world would come crashing down.

"Yes" my voice barely above a whisper.

He put his jacket on the back of the couch.

"Alright baby so lets do this"  He began pulling me by my hand, over to the black leather couch we just made out on.

I stared at the thing I was going to lose my virginity on. This can't be right.

"Kendyl baby seriously. Don't act like this. Just come back on the couch baby" he patted the abandoned spot next to him.

"I don't think that-"
"Here we go with the I don't think crap again" he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Leo I'm the one that losing my virginity not you!" I hissed at him.

He was really getting me upset now. Why does he always have to do this to me.
"Yeah so" he turned to me with a raised brow.

"Leo stop being such a jerk!" I yelled.

He stood up grabbing his jacket again.

"Me! You're the one being a tease. I'm out of here"

"Leo! Don't walk away from me." I chased after him. I needed him, he can't leave.

"When you're ready to talk. Let me know" he reached for the door handle.

"I thought you loved me" I whined. Tears brimming in my eyes.

Don't cry Kendyl stay strong! I told myself.

"I do love you. But saying it all the time doesn't mean anything until you show it"

"I want my first time to be special-"
"-and it will. Me and you can make it special , right here, right now." His whispered staring down at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

Caressing my cheek, he kissed me softly with hunger.

He backed me up against the door running his hand down the curve of my body.

Honestly. I did intend for us to have some really good sex today. The more I thought about it, losing my virginity, I felt afraid.

Would it hurt? Would I enjoy it? So many questions were running through my head and I eventually talked myself out of it. Today wasn't right the time to have sex, we can't have sex after a movie, mood wasn't right and I knew it.

No matter how much I love him, it wasn't the right time.

His hand landed on my butt giving it a light squeeze.
"Yooo not this again. You know what Kendyl I'm out." He groaned out of frustration.

"Leo wait! Where are you going? Can we at least talk about this?" I pleaded with him.

"I'm done talking. I'll call you tomorrow " with that he left slamming the door behind him.

"Good night" tears welled up  in my eyes blurring my vision. I ran up to my room tears streaming down my face once more.

I know ☹️ sad right. Poor naive Kendyl. Ladies take this as a lesson,  never do anything you're not ready for . You won't regret it. If your partner force you into anything you know you're not ready for say no. You don't owe anyone anything! Saying no and leaving is always an option.

Next chapter coming soon ❤️

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