Anakin x Satele Shan

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Requested by freedomgirl321 . Thanks homeslice!

Anakin: this is probably one of thee best choices I have gotten.

Yoitsme108: awwww, hear that Shan?! You're one of thee best choices he's gotten!

Shan: what's going on here?

Yoitsme108: I'm sick of explaining to Noobs. Anakin. You take over. *falld straight on the floor and falls asleep*

Shan: ok, that's not normal.

Anakin: don't expect normal from her. Huge mistake. Anyway, a ship is when the fans want us to be together.

Shan: the fans want us to be together?

Anakin: well I'm guessing freedomgirl321 does.

Shan: why?

Anakin: I don't know. This is better then getting shipped with my master, and then my padawan and then this girl Rey. A lot more too. And then all of those ships at the same time!!! It's torture!!!

Shan: that doesn't sound fun. That sounds really messed up.

Anakin: it wasn't. *takes a seat on pink velvet couch* *pouts like Obi-Wan always does* it is messed up.

Shan: Sorry.... Jedi friend. *pats Anakin on back*

Yoitsme108: *wakes up with jolt* awwwww, you two are having a cute moment! Should Padmè be concerned?? Also, you're not aloud on my couch Anakin.

Anakin: no! Padmè should not be concerned. Stop trying to ruin us. And why can't I sit on your couch?

Yoitsme108: because Jedi masters only.

Anakin: seriously?

Yoitsme108: now get off before I cover you in sand.

Anakin: would you quit?!

Shan: you two obviously have some tension.

Yoitsme108: it's all Anakin! *points to the non Jedi master*

Anakin: Yeah sure! It's all me. The crazy fangirl has nothing to do with it.

Yoitsme108: stop being so full of hate Sith child.

Anakin: *boils inside*

Shan: soooo, I don't know if I like this ship thing.

Yoitsme108: too bad! Cause I love it! And if you get picked for another ship! You will never get out of it!

Shan: you're scaring me....

Yoitsme108: you should be scared.

Shan: *blink blonk*

Anakin: were done here.

Yoitsme108: ok non master. Don't be surprised when you wake up with sand covering your bed.

Anakin: pure evil.

Anakin rating: I LIKE PADMÈ!
Shan rating: 0/10
Yoitsme108 rating: 0/10


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