Luke x Shira Brie

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Another great suggestion by freedomgirl321 . Blessed.🙏🏻👌🏻

Yoitsme108: when Luke is lookin like freakin He man in the picture above.

Luke: don't be rude.

Shira: hi Luke.

Luke: hi.

Yoitsme108: Luke why are you always so awkward?

Luke: because. This, this is pure nightmare.

Yoitsme108: I thought jedis don't dream.

Luke: STOP!!!!

Shira: hi Luke.

Luke: I already said hi.

Yoitsme108: be nice Luke!!!

Luke: I just said that I already said hi.

Yoitsme108: whatever.

Luke: ugh! Hi shira, how are you?

Shira: great *winks*

Luke: no. I'm not doin this. *starts walking away*

Yoitsme108: please don't leave! *grabs Luke's leg and gets dragged*

Luke: let go of me. I have a wife.

Yoitsme108: but attachment is forbidden!

Luke: leave me alone! *runs away*

Yoitsme108: *face plants*

Shira: what just happened?

Yoitsme108: He will comeback. Let's go to McDonalds or something.

Shira: what's McDonald's?

Yoitsme108: I'll show you. 🤓

Yoitsme108 rating: 5/10
Luke's rating: too mad to even rate. He gone🤷🏼‍♀️
Shiras rating: 3/10


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