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Jungkook POV

"Joshua... don't do anything please."

"I won't. What's wrong?" That just made me want to cry again.

He hugged me which took me by shock.

My bully was trying to stop me from crying when he made me cry countless times.

"I-I don't know."

I was buried in his chest while he combed my hair slowly to try and calm me down.

"It's okay. You'll be okay."

"I-I won't ever be okay."

"Yes, you will Jungkook. I'll help you."

I started crying a little and he held me closer. That just made me cry more.

"Do you wanna talk about what's wrong?"

"How do I know you won't tell the whole school about it?"

"I won't say a word."

"I passed out last night cause I did something pretty bad. My family found out and got upset which makes me feel like shit. I also heard voices which made me cry right now but it's also cause of some other stuff."

"Whats this other stuff?"

"Umm- I... I self harm."


"Yeah it's pretty bad."

"If you're comfortable... Do you wanna show me why exactly your family was upset?"

I was hesitant.

What if this all goes downhill?

Who cares? I was gonna die anyways.

I rolled up my sleeve and he gently grabbed my arms.

"Why would you do this to yourself?"

"Well I have been abused most of my life and I was bullied. Some people have tried to kill me before but I woke up. But I have been cutting since I was 14."

"Look Jungkook, you have to stop doing this to yourself. I know this might be mine and my friends' fault but I'll force them to stop. We should probably get back to classes now before people get suspicious." I nodded my head and left to class.

I tried to just focus on the lesson but kept thinking about something.

Why would Joshua, my bully for years, start being all concerned now?

There's something weird going on.   

The bell rang and I was planning to find Jimin and Tae.

But I never did go through with that plan.

I remembered that I had a free class after lunch and ended up wandering around the city again.

I bumped into this man but didn't realize or apologize. He dragged me to some alleyway and started beating me up.

I was just to upset to fight back.

I managed to get up and walk back to school, ignoring the stares I got from people.

I limped my way to my locker and walked to the class I had next.

The only problem?

Jimin and Taehyung were going to interrogate me about all these bruise marks and my split lip.

I just ignored the feeling telling me to run away and sat at my desk. I doodled in my notebook and waited for them to ask me questions about all this.

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