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Jungkook POV

I woke up wrapped in Tae's arms. I started to blush furiously but tried to get out of his comforting hold.

I managed to escape his hold but he pulled me back down.

"And where do you think your going?" I giggled at the look on his face.

"Umm to eat breakfast."

"Without me. I'm so offended." He wiped away his imaginary tears and clutched the place where his heart should be.

I giggled until he got onto me. I stared into his eyes and innocently tilted my head to the side. He snarled and captured my lips in his. I wanted to submit but I pledged to myself that I won't make the same mistake again.

He licked my bottom lip and traced designs on my inner thigh. I gasped at the feeling and he took his chance. His tongue was forced into my mouth and he explored my mouth.

Soon, he pulled away and started kissing my neck. I tried to stay emotionless but everything felt like it was spiralling our of control.

He pulled away and finger combed my hair. He carried me down the stairs after we both got ready. Jin saw me and Tae and smiled.

Tae put me down and sat beside me. I started having a staring contest with him and sadly, lost. Soon enough, everyone has arrived. Well almost everyone.

"Hoseok hyung? Where's Yoongi hyung?" I asked.

"He had to go to work but he'll be back in the evening." He answered while smiling at me.

"What are we doing today?" Jin mumbled to himself while looking at the calendar.

"Oh my gawd guys! We have to go change our hair colours in the afternoon." Jin yelled throughout the house.

"I thought it was tomorrow." Namjoon said while rushing to eat.

"Did you think that yesterday to?" Tae laughed.

I giggled and started watching TV until I remembered.

I still had a tracker on GOT7.

I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed the laptop. I sat on my bed and plugged the hard drive in.

All the files about their plans had shown up. I quickly scanned through each plan and then saw the enemies file.

At first it was just some random groups that I didn't really care about until I saw BTS.

Who's BTS?

I clicked on the link and all of their names popped up.

I scrolled to the bottom and saw my name.

How did they figure out who I was so quickly?

Another tab had popped up.

Incoming message from 'JYP'

I hesitantly opened the link.

I read through the message and tears filled in the corners of my eyes.

It had said :

Find Jungkook and bring him to headquarters. Kill the rest of the 'obstacles'. The boss needs the test results in three days.

Another option had popped up

Would You Like To Delete This Message?

I immediately hit yes. I didn't think I would hear from him again.

I thought he would've stopped looking for me the day I was taken in by them.

He got the hint, right?

Never Be The Same { JJK X BTS }Where stories live. Discover now