Chapter 20. An unbelievable story.

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Their nest had not long been established. Testing the soil showed they had only just begun growing crops in that area.

Harl barely slept. He kept tossing and turning or just lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. The next cycle was going to change so many things. Just knowing that when he awoke he would be leaving this cherished life behind, left him cold and shivering. What were they going to face? How would they survive?

Things had been idyllic, like finding a second family to grow up with again. And then there was Sonora. He had fallen for many girls when he was growing up, but he had never truly fallen in love. Sonora was everything to him. She may have been a healer, but she'd bewitched him from the start and he hated the idea of taking her into danger.

Sleep overtook him in the end. Grim and dark, it dragged him down into nightmare after nightmare. In one, his hands slipped from the blade and he and Sonora tumbled down into the darkness of the Sight, only to be stepped on by the god as it walked past. Another nightmare showed Troy pressed against the Sight, Rufus stabbing a dagger into his back time after time while Harl looked on helpless from the outside.

When Gorman woke him with a shake, he groaned and rolled over, horrified that the moment was finally here. He had slept part way through the next cycle, which only seemed to make matters worse. He looked around the plush room knowing it would probably be the last time he slept in a warm feather bed. The windows had been cracked open and the scent of the woodland outside blew in, ruffling the soft curtains. He had become used to the comfort and familiar feel of the room. It felt like home. It was home.

His stomach flipped again at the thought of leaving.

'It's time for you to get ready and go,' the old man said as Harl struggled from the covers to his feet.

'I know, I know,' he moaned to himself and then splashed cold water on his face from a bowl on the nightstand. He looked up into the mirror and saw the anxiety on Gorman's face. Only then did he realise that Sonora was missing. 'Is everything alright? Where's Sonora?'

'In the woods as usual, but no one has come to work at your house this turn, Harl,' Gorman said. 'I fear the worst. You must least leave as soon as it's dark. I heard shouts in the woods as I walked earlier. I do not know what is happening, but you must take care. Hurry, Harl. Hurry.'

Harl dashed outside and ran along the path that plunged into the woods, making for the spot where Sonora grew her plants. It was only a short distance and relief flooded him when her gentle singing reached him. He stepped out onto the tilled soil and worked his way carefully between the delicate plants. She turned at his footsteps and noticed his lack of breath.

'Harl?' she asked, concern in her voice. 'What is it?'

He rushed over to her and took her slender frame in his arms.

'I'm glad you're alright,' he said. 'Gorman was worried and sent me to find you.'

'I'm fine,' she said, accepting his embrace. 'Why was he worried?'

'No workers came,' he said, 'and he heard people up in the forest earlier.'

'I haven't heard anything unusual,' she said, 'but that's no surprise with my wailing drowning everything out.'

'I love your singing,' Harl said, knowing they weren't the exact words he wanted to say. 'We should head back.'

She touched his face.

'But you're alright?' she asked.

He nodded, but then lowered his head onto her shoulder.

'It's just that everything is changing,' he whispered, half-hoping that she wouldn't hear.

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